Thursday, August 31, 2017


When I was young,  I used to work for guy that had an interesting theory about people. As I went through the rest of my life, I found his theory to be pretty much spot on. He always told me that every five or six years, you should fire everyone and start over with a fresh group of people. His reasoning, was that when people stay in one place too long, they become lazy and incompetent. They develop all sorts of bad habits that are not in the companies best interest. The newly hired people on the other hand, are highly motivated and eager to do a good job, which is obviously good for the company.

When he first espoused this theory to me, it sounded cruel and callused. I thought, this guy is heartless. But, when you really think about this, it's absolutely true. When people work at the same job for year after year after year, they are nowhere near as motivated as they were when they were first hired, and actually start developing a " you owe me " attitude simply because of seniority. What you end up with are a bunch of highly paid employees with compromised enthusiasm. Quite often these people lose total sight of the company creed.

This is what has happened to the FBI. Every single agent should be fired and replaced with " fresh horses." These people have allowed a once highly respected government agency ( you have to admit that's rare in itself ) to be turned into a highly politicized, ineffective collection of knuckleheads. When an investigative agency, which is supposed to have total autonomy, allows it's work to be taken over by political factions it is worthless on it's face, and should be disbanded and recreated. They are no longer an investigative organization, they are now an arm of a political party, and that my friend is extremely dangerous to your freedom. James Comey drafted a letter of exoneration for Hillary Clinton months before they actually heard a single word of testimony from her or any of her aids. The entire investigation was a ruse. Virtually every word uttered by James Comey was a bald faced lie.

I always thought that the FBI was impervious to outside influences. Unfortunately it has become as corrupt as the rest of the Washington D.C. swamp. President Trump, it's time to utter your famous words to the entire FBI, "you're fired".


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