Saturday, August 26, 2017


I have to admit I am a toxic male. I've created a list of the things I love to prove it.

1. Fast, loud, powerful cars that smoke the tires at my demand
2. Fast, loud powerful motorcycles, and the cool leather stuff that goes with riding.
3. Guns, most any type of gun.
4. All types of motorsports, in particular NASCAR
5. Tools and big red toolboxes
6. Trains, in particular steam trains. ( they're big and loud and shake the ground )
7. Old propeller driven war birds, P38's, P51's, B17's, and B29's. Love the awesome sounds.
8. My Ford F150.
9. Big rig diesel trucks. Fun to drive and I love the smell of diesel.
10. War ships especially battle ships.
11. Building stuff out of steel.
12. Big industrial machinery with tremendous power.
13. An occasional shot of good Kentucky Bourbon
14. Beautiful little babies and puppies.
15. Awesome women

I am proud to call myself a man. Am I a little "red necky"? yep. All of that maleness and yet I have never had the desire to beat anyone to death, kill them with one of my guns, or run them over with one of my cars. Being 100% male does not make you a criminal, being stupid makes you a criminal. I don't know if you've noticed but the number of females incarcerated for violent crimes is on the rise. Madonna recently said she has been thinking about "blowing up the white house" perhaps that  means we're overlooking Toxic Femininity. I've noticed a lot of that lately. I've also noticed a number of female demonstrators swinging weapons and breaking stuff.

*After the Charlottesville disaster, Jenna Friedman, who is a Hollywood writer, producer and filmmaker, sent out the following Tweet;

@ DODGE stop reinforcing toxic masculinity with your car ads. That TikiNazi terrorist smashed his DODGE into protestors, not his VW.

(For the record, Hitler was the driving force behind the development of the VW. and the Dodge Bros. were Jewish. The early Dodges had a Star of David atop the radiator )

Folks, it is a huge stretch to link Dodge ad material to some deranged idiot running down people with his car. Does this mean that Honda is somehow responsible for the terrorist that ran down the people on the college campus a while ago. Does that make the truck manufacturer responsible for the terrorist that killed all of those innocent people in Nice France, on Bastille Day? How about the manufacturer of the trucks that ran down the people in London and Germany a few month ago? Maybe we should examine their advertising and see if it overtly targets males. Oh yes, I forgot the woman that used her 1990's Oldsmobile to mow down pedestrians in Las Vegas last year. That's a clear cut case of Toxic Femininity if I ever saw it.

People, all of this political correctness is just pure BS. In the case of Ms. Friedman, in my opinion she is just suffering from LHDS. ( Liberal Hollywood derangement syndrome ) Do not get caught up in this nonsense. Remember, liberalism is a mental disorder.

*read more about this at Truth About Cars - " A loyalty moment @ Dodge " by Jack Baruth


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