Wednesday, August 23, 2017


I wrote about Antifa in my last posting, but I wanted to examine this whole right vs. left issue a little closer. A guest on the Tucker Carlson show today was a woman from the ACLU. She made the statement that the alt right movement was growing, and becoming increasingly more dangerous, and the ACLU would no longer defend their rights to free speech. My wife and I looked at each other in total disbelief. We both agreed that we are not seeing any such example. So, I decided to research the numbers to see if the ACLU was indeed telling the truth. Firstly you have to get past all of the bogus information put out by the SPLC. They wouldn't know the truth if it was staring them in the face.

The truth is, there are no real numbers to go by, because these groups largely communicate online and have no actual membership rolls to examine. So the number of individuals that subscribe to these groups, are merely estimates. They estimate is that the white nationalists number about 5,000 to 8,000. But actually nobody really knows for sure.

The same goes for the KKK and the neo nazis. The total estimated number of individuals in these two groups number about 10,500. So, if you take all of the numbers on the high side and total them, they amount to about 18,500. There are approximately 324 million people in the United States. That makes the percentage of white supremacist about .000005% of the total population. I really don't know anyone with a brain larger than a pea that would find these numbers alarming. I'm a white guy, a southern white guy, I hang with white folks, I don't know anyone that likes these idiots. That's why their numbers are small. The left wing media, and left wing zealots, that tell you the white supremacist movement is growing, are full of crap. They are lying, plain and simple. They are using this bogus information to energize the left wing forces, to further their own agenda.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa operate largely in the same manner. They don't seem to have official membership structures, they basically operate within social media sphere. Both have extremely active websites. I wasn't able to obtain daily hit information on the BLM site, but Antifa is currently getting about 10,000 to 20,000 hits a day on their site. Also, as you might imagine, considering how they operate they are very secretive about the identities of their active members.

Of all the so called extremist groups, I feel Antifa is the most dangerous. They have the blessings of the left wing media, and the Democrat Party. They are pretty much the fighting force of the left. Also, they seem to be very astute in being able to organize with other factions to form a diverse group of people, even local clergy. Antifa bills itself as anti fascist and anti capitalist. In the end, Antifa is nothing more than old fashioned Fascists using, the tactics that put Mussolini in power. Make no mistake about it, they hate everything about capitalism and the right, and are hell bent on destroying it. They are true enemies of the Republic.


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