Tuesday, August 22, 2017


FASCISM: The dictionary says it is a dictatorship that exalts nation and race. One of my early blogs dealt with this in some detail, but in light of the ongoing presence of the group that calls itself Antifa I feel like it's time to re-visit this topic. The group name is obviously a shortened version of anti fascist. This is where the "smoke and mirrors" comes into play.

Fascism had been around since the first world war but gained political momentum under the dictatorship of Mussolini in Italy before WWll. I am not going to get into the long history of how Mussolini came to power, however the main point I intend to make is that the fascist movement gained power through violence and intimidation. They gained power by shutting down political rallies put on by their rivals, by committing violent acts. They even committed murder, killing the Socialist Party deputy Giacomo Matteotti. The fascist goons were known for wearing black shirts as their uniforms. Thus the term " black shirts " was used to identify the hooligan thugs.

The Antifa group that I have seen in action are always the ones creating the violence. They are the ones setting fires, breaking windows, destroying public property. More importantly, they are shutting down events where individuals are speaking and promoting views that they don't agree with. That sorta sounds like fascism to me. It is just the opposite of the first amendment guaranteeing free speech. I also find it fascinating that they have chosen black as the color of their uniform. They also wear masks to conceal their identity just like the " black shirts " did in the days of Mussolini. I think there are too many parallels to disregard.

While Antifa bills itself as the protector of free speech, it is constantly shutting it down. Their lame response is that they are protecting people from hate speech. I really don't think I want these bozos and bimbos telling me what I can and can't hear. I am certainly capable of making that determination on my own. There is no way that I am going to listen to someone spew hatred in a speech, I will get up and leave. But I want everyone to have the freedom to say and listen to what they choose. No one has the right to deny me that privilege.

My friends, Antifa has a very strong smell of evil to me. I don't like their agenda. Their agenda is to deny my freedom to express my ideas, and listen to others with which I agree. These people have no place in a free society. Their agenda is "smoke and mirrors" doing just the opposite of what they say they are doing. This is the true agenda of the Alt Left. True Americans will turn away from them.


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