Thursday, August 24, 2017


The home we lived in when I was a little kid had curtains on the closets, not doors. And the closet curtain in my room was rarely closed. I remember lying in bed in the dark, staring at the closet, trying to see if anything was moving. I always had an underlying fear that there was something bad in that closet, and somehow everyone in the family had missed finding it. Like most little kids I just had a big imagination.

The monster that I see now as an adult, is not in my imagination, it's on my computer. It's social media. I'm sure the person or persons that came up with the social media idea, thought how great it would be that people could communicate with one another in a wide open forum. In theory, it's a great idea. Post picture of your families, what is happening in your lives, on and on. Post your activities, just like having a world wide bulletin board. However, there are numerous problems associated with such an activity. The numerous problems are people. Or more correctly people with numerous problems. You proudly post a picture of yourself engaged in an activity that you are just learning to do. You are wearing your brand new outfit that you could barely afford that goes with the activity. First response you get is some horses ass telling you that you are fat, and look horrible. What you don't know, and can't see, is this horses ass that just said you look horrible, weighs 500 lbs. and hasn't been out of their house in five years. They just hate you because of who you are and what you are doing. They don't even know you. They just want you to feel bad because they do.

Next, you post a notice that you and your friends are going have a meeting in the local park to celebrate your love for geckos and invite fellow gecko lovers to join you. Unfortunately for you there is a group in the next town that thinks geckos are evil, and people that own them are possessed by Lucifer. Saturday afternoon you suddenly find yourself being attacked by crazy people in bright blue jump suits carrying big wooden crosses and little metal boxes confiscating your geckos, and scaring the living hell out of you and your friends.

It seems that no matter who you are, or where you come from, or what race you are, or what religion you are, there is another group that can't stand to look at you, and hates the very ground you walk on. God help you if you say anything about yourself or your activities on social media, you will be crucified by literally dozens if not hundreds of other people. It is quite simply a horrible, vile form of media. I will not engage in any of it. It is pretty much insanity on steroids. Young people commit suicide because of the horrible things others say about them, and they are not emotionally mature enough to deal with it. People can say really awful things to other people and remain totally anonymous, and never face that person. None of it is good. It is the Monster in the Closet for real.


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