Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Every now and then I like to write about random thoughts that crossed my mind as I went through my day. I am still gainfully employed, but I catch small glimpses of the news on my computer which triggers my slightly strange thoughts. On some days things that would normally piss me off, I find humorous. Is anyone else like that, or do I have some sort of undiagnosed mental disorder? Probably the latter.

DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: I know it's not nice to speak badly of how someone looks, but this has to be one of the strangest looking people ( notice I did not say women ) I have seen outside of a Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings movie. She could be related to Gollum. I have watched this woman over the past several years with some interest, because of her very aggressive leftist posture. It doesn't surprise me at all, that she is finding herself in what could be, some serious hot water. What is interesting about this dilemma she is in, is how she has been protecting the Pakistani guy, that has all the signs of being a full blown criminal. Call me crazy, but perhaps her relationship with this guy goes considerably beyond just a business relationship. It has all of the earmarks. Just sayin'.

MEYGAN KELLY: Considering how she spells her first name, her Mom had to be a student of phonics. She is about to launch a new show on NBC in the morning. The network insiders are in a panic, fearful that it will be a failure. I watched Meygan for years when she was on Fox, and I have to admit that she was one of my favorites until Donald Trump brought something out of her that she was unable to put back in the box. She was never able to contain her feminist anger after that. Donald Trump discovered her "Achilles Heel". Later, in a segment with Newt Gingrich it caused a very sharp exchange between the two of them. After watching her lose it several times, I lost all respect for her. I think the NBC insiders have every right to be concerned.

ANDERSON COOPER: The master of smugness. The master of acting like he is above everything common, that may be tainted in some way. I'll bet at some time in his life, he tried walking across the family swimming pool. Most people know this, but I will mention it in case you don't. He is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, and descendant of the incredibly wealthy Vanderbilt family that built a good portion of their wealth on the backs of slave labor. Anderson's great, great, great Grandfather owned hundreds of slaves. One of those slaves happened to be a man named Jim Robinson, who just happened to be Michelle Obama's great, great, grandfather. Don't you think it would be fitting for Anderson, in order to be worthy of that smug attitude, to disavow his family connections, and donate his fortunes to the poor black populations?

REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS: These people are totally dysfunctional. They have been pushed around by the Democrats for so long they don't know how to act now that they are actually in control. For several years I had two dogs. The older of the two was dominant. He always rode in the front with me, sitting up on the console of my pickup, the younger dog was relegated to the back seat. The older dog died two years ago and the younger dog still won't sit up front with me, he is content to sit in the backseat. I'm thinking that's pretty much what's going on in Washington with the Republicans.



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