Tuesday, August 15, 2017


NON ENGAGING POLICE DEPARTMENTS: I've been around this world a long time, a very long time actually. I have seen all sorts of public disturbances happen, and without fail, the local police departments move in with whatever force needed to quell the disturbance. If you remember back in the 60's and 70's the police utilized the very effective fire hose technique to clear the streets of rioters. I noticed this summer that they still use them in Europe. It is next to impossible to challenge someone when you are getting knocked to the ground by a powerful stream of water. Try throwing rocks and bottles at someone holding a fire hose on you, it ain't gonna happen.

I'm sure you have noticed by now, that when public disturbances happen the local police are basically monitors. They remind me of the TV commercial where the bank is getting robbed and people laying face down asked the guard if he's going to do anything. He replies, "oh, I'm not a guard I'm a monitor, the bank is being robbed". Well the police departments have become spectators, and their excuse is that, it's simply too dangerous to intervene. Too dangerous for who, them? I thought these guys were getting paid to protect life and property.

OK boys and girls, here's my conspiracy theory. Make note, that the riots that happened this past weekend were in cities with liberal left wing governments. The white supremacy groups had a permit to protest the removal of the Confederate monuments. They were acting within the law. The city governments knew they could not deny them the permit. However, you know in your heart that they were not happy about issuing the permit these groups. They also knew that if the protest was publicized, that the lefties would show up in force to counter protest, knowing full well that a melee would follow. Then they instructed the police to stand by an do nothing, thinking the white groups would get their ever loving asses kicked back to wherever they came from. Well, it didn't quite work out that way and there were numerous serious injuries and one death. The local authorities are responsible for the death of that woman, even though the act was perpetrated by a deranged moron. The fact that the authorities allowed the stage to be set for tragedy rather than taking pre-emptive measures makes them guilty as hell.

PULLING DOWN GENERAL LEE: Again, the police stood by and watched a historical monument destroyed by a group of knuckleheads. They did absolutely nothing. Now think about this for a moment and you will understand what took place. The local authorities wanted that damned statue gone forever. They knew if they didn't let the morons take it down, they were going to have to move the infernal thing to another location and it would continue to be a problem for them. The city Mayor tells the police chief to allow to happen. End of story, a valuable historical monument  is destroyed, and the left claims victory. Does this somehow rewind the tape of history, and erase the fact that slavery never happened?  Nope. What's ironic about this whole thing is that not every Democrat was a KKK member, but every KKK member was a Democrat. Maybe that's the history they're trying to get rid of.

TAYLOR SWIFT: In my last blog, I made light of the Taylor Swift ordeal, about the guy grabbing her butt. Well people, I was very wrong about that. After reading more about what happened, it was a lot more serious than I originally thought. The guy was a jerk, and got what he deserved. My apologies if my remarks offended any of the ladies out there.


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