Sunday, August 20, 2017


NFL PLAYERS: This is an interesting group of people, from the owners to the players. I have to admit I am not a huge fan of pro football, but being a resident of the Pacific Northwest, I am compelled to take at least a limited interest in the Seattle Seahawks. However, what I do find interesting is the lives and attitudes of the players. Over the years there have been some amazing guys, that have proven themselves to be true gentlemen, and very responsible American citizens, making huge differences in the lives of kids from poor neighborhoods. Others have left the ranks of football to become very successful business men and community leaders.

Then, there are the others. Because of the nature of the game, it naturally attracts a lot of guys with big attitudes and big egos. These guys would be very out of place working at Google or Microsoft for sure. Because most of these guys are African Americans, some of them come from some pretty rough neighborhoods that most of us could not comprehend living in. Thus, they have a very different view of the world than most. All of this seems to instill a bitterness that doesn't go away, even when they are earning six and seven figure salaries. This is where the big disconnect happens.

They are living in the only country in the world where they could be lifted out of poverty to become multi-millionaires by participating on a pro sports team. You would think they would be proud and grateful, to be living in the United States of America. You would think that they would be anxious to stand and salute the Stars and Stripes, and give thanks for the opportunity they have been given. This nation is not perfect for sure, we have a ways to go before getting anywhere close to being perfect. My message to NFL players that don't stand for the National Anthem, is get off of your knees and asses and go to work to make it more perfect. Instead of bitching and complaining, do something about the things you don't like instead of waiting for others to do it for you. The real men and women that fought and died for your freedom, have no respect for behavior such as yours. I have no respect for you if you don't stand and salute Old Glory, as a matter of fact I consider you an enemy of the state.

KANYE WEST VS. JAY Z: It is being reported that these guys are involved in some sort of feud. Kanye West is always feuding with someone, besides, why would you care???

THINGS WOMEN OVER 40 SHOULD NOT OWN: This was a caption on an article on my MSN home page. One of the items was UGGS. Holy crap, these are the ugliest things anyone of any age could put on their feet. I've never seen any product so appropriately named. They also mentioned leggings. Of all of the females I have ever seen wearing these atrocities, I think maybe only five percent looked good. Women over ten years old shouldn't even consider wearing them. Sparkly eye make up... Looks just OK on teens, but older women, come on, it's like putting chrome wheels on an old rusty truck. Kinda reminds me of old men driving Corvettes and hot rods. Get some class!!


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