Monday, August 28, 2017


My friends and family are all about to choke and fall over after reading the title of this post. I sometimes wear a pin that says " American by birth, Southerner by the grace of God." But stay with me and follow my logic. I am actually registered as an Independent although I vote Republican 99% of the time. The American South has been a Republican stronghold since the late 1940's for a variety of reasons. But make no mistake about it, the Democrats ruled the southern states during the time of slavery and were not about to give it up. The Democrats drove the creation of the Confederate States of America and the eventual secession. The act that started the infamous Civil War.

The Civil War like a lot of other wars has been romanticized long after it ended. There was nothing romantic about the civil war. It was a war in which each and every casualty was an American. Each and every piece of property that was burned and destroyed belonged to an American. I challenge you to look at the photographic archives of battlefields with hundreds of young American men laying dead, their bodies bloated and disfigured. The only good thing that came from the civil war, is that it ended slavery. No man or woman should ever be enslaved for any reason. Think about this, if the southern Democrats had simply complied with the Emancipation Proclamation, and freed the slaves as ordered by Abraham Lincoln the lives of thousands of Americans would have been saved. This is what happens when ideology ( read stupidity ) trumps common sense.

So what history teaches us, is that all of those Confederate statues are in the likeness of Democrats. The Confederate Battle Flag was created by Democrats. The death and destruction that resulted from the civil war was because the Democrats wouldn't give up their slaves.

I propose that we form a National Memorial Committee, and when we take down a statue of a Confederate Hero, we replace it with a prominent Republican that was instrumental in freeing the slaves. There will be more than enough Republicans to replace those rebel rascals. We also need to have a large statue to memorialize Ohio Republican William McCulloch who was a critical leader in the passage of the Civil Rights acts of the 1960's.

The Democrats have never been the friend of the blacks, as they would have you believe. Read history and know the truth. Look at the current state of the black community and tell me how well the Democrats have done in improving the lives of their black constituents. Seventy percent of black children are born out of wedlock. Unemployment is higher than any other minority group, and black communities have terrible stats when it comes to schools. Yep, it's time for the rebel statues to come down, and it's time for the black community to embrace conservatism.


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