Saturday, August 19, 2017


I watch a lot of news and digest a ton of political crap everyday. I've been doing this for awhile now. I suppose I have some sort of mental situation going on. That's what most people say when you spend a lot of time doing something you enjoy. They say you're obsessive compulsive, I think that's the term they use. I don't pay much attention to people that make those kind of statements because I've already written them off as nut cases. As a matter of fact I don't see many people these days that appear to be totally sane, and the minute they start talking they confirm my suspicions.

I'm totally amused by the way the media is constantly taking the President's words and spinning them in a way that makes him look like something he is not. They can't get a grip on someone that simply say's what he thinks, and isn't continually trying to cover his ass by saying such things as " it depends on what the meaning of the word is, is." I'm sure you remember that infamous phrase by William Jefferson Clinton a few years back when he was denying having a tryst with Ms. Lewinski.

In his comments about what happened in Charlottesville, he simply said both sides came looking for a fight. That's a true statement, I watched the videos. The White Supremacists are a despicable bunch for sure, but so is Antifa and the Anarchists. In my estimation they are both anti American groups that are a disgrace to this nation. Now here comes the psychoanalysis; The media and the Democrats consider the Alt Left people as the valiant ones and the White Supremacists as Satan in the flesh. So when Trump say's they are equally bad, he is considered automatically taking the side of the far right nut jobs.

This is pretty much unwinnable for the President, because no matter what he says, at least 50% of the public is going to side with the left because that's what they are being fed by the media, and there is a certain segment of the Republicans that are spineless wimps that will do anything to get re-elected including becoming a "turn coat". To make things even worse for the President, the politicians on both sides of the aisle hate the idea of a non-politician calling them out for what they are " swamp dwellers". The President has a very long road ahead of him littered with land mines laid by his many enemies.

One more thing to ponder; Why is the right wing nut crashing into people with his car, so much worse than the left wing nut shooting down Republican lawmakers at a baseball practice? It seems to me that the Charlottesville violence was given far more fervent attention by the media. I also remember someone in the left wing media saying that perhaps Senator Scalise deserved it based on his political actions. People, the political atmosphere is getting very dark, everyone needs to lighten up. We are after all Americans, we need to start acting like it. We need to quit acting like tribal morons and start trying to live and let live. God Bless


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