Tuesday, August 8, 2017


I'm always amused by absurd stories that news organizations print, that normal people that have real lives couldn't care less about. I found a few of those lately that I found especially funny.

Lena Dunham: Now here is a real piece of work. I have yet to hear her say anything that remotely sounds like someone with the ability to reason above the level of a fifth grader. Recently she started a big flap because she allegedly overheard two airline employees discussing transgender people in a derogatory manner. These two women were having a private conversation, it wasn't being broadcast in any manner. Apparently it was not being recorded to be played back to audiences at a later date. This was a strictly private conversation that Ms. Dunham supposedly overheard. The sticking point according to Ms. Dunham, was that they were wearing their Airline uniforms. Ms. Dunham's fifth grade logic immediately takes over and reports the incident to the Airline. The stupidity of Ms. Dunham's actions is mind boggling enough, but the decision of a news organization to cover it is triple stupid.

Amber Rose: MSN did a story about Ms. Rose contemplating breast reduction. I want to know who cares, and why do they care. I'm not really sure what Amber Rose does. The name sounds like a cheap wine. When I looked at the picture I noticed the tattoos on her arms. They looked very familiar. Then I realized where I had seen them. Years ago I was in the hospital in Santa Ana California, and my room mate was a full on certified gang banger. Her tattoos looked exactly like his. Not that it really matters, I just find it a little strange.

Giant Craters in Siberia: Supposedly, they are being caused by thawing of the permafrost. Scientist are saying that these events could threaten human life. I'm not really sure how, but I will tell you that at my age I worry more about my fridge quitting and my frozen pizza thawing out.

Blind Airbus Landing: The news article showed the front of an Airbus that had been damaged in a hail storm and knocked out the radar. So somehow the landing of this aircraft without radar was a big deal. I thought that's what those two guys up front were for. It sounded like it was a surprise that they could actually fly the aircraft.

Transgender Athletes: I found this story incredibly amusing. It seems that transgender women ( used to be men ) are entering women's cycling events and as you might imagine are doing quite well. If you do your research you will find that simply replacing testosterone with estrogen doesn't really change the basic physiology of the male body structure. This give the transgender female a definite advantage over most of their "real deal" female competitors. It will be interesting to see how the "lefties" deal with this one.

Megan Fox: Seems she lets here sons wear dresses. A lot of people got wrapped around the axle on this one. But think about it, in her world, if her sons were normal they would be the butt of non-stop ridicule. Heck, she might even be accused of child abuse. Now everyone's safe.

Taylor Swift: What woman hasn't had her butt grabbed. Heck, I've had women grab my butt. Seems like she's making a pretty big deal about it. Probably a good thing she could sing and didn't have to be a waitress. She'd be in court every month.


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