Monday, July 31, 2017


We had dinner with some dear friends last Saturday night, and as usual we covered just about every topic imaginable. During the conversation my blog was discussed, and Liann said she thought they were too long, and should be more abbreviated. I totally realize I tend to be a little long winded, I am going to try to be more brief in my thoughts.

Charlie Gard: I think it very odd, that a nation that does not, and will not, practice capital punishment  on the most heinous criminals will very casually sentence a newborn to death. Don't you think that the decision to "pull the plug" should be the sole discretion of the parents??? Think about that, and then tell me you want the government running healthcare.

Anthony Scaramucci: When you have a boss like Donald Trump that obviously loves to be in the limelight, and you suck all of the air out of the room for a week, what do think is going to happen. Doh, he's an idiot.

MS13: Another case of liberal agenda gone wrong. Turn your head and let anyone and everyone cross the border, including thousands of unescorted minors, and eventually someone is going to have to clean up the mess. Unfortunately, Obama is like your dog, he can make a big mess but don't expect him to clean it up.

Healthcare Bill: Undeniable proof that lawmakers with a D behind their name do not have the monopoly on stupidity.

Nancy Pelosi: She made the previous statement extremely difficult to write.

Climate Change: It's really happening, it's hotter than hell where I live. Oh wait, It's August, that's what happens in August.

Green Peace: Do a little research and find out where they get a huge amount of the money to fund their operations. You just may be surprised when you find out it  comes from Russia. Aren't those guys at Green Peace liberals, and aren't they the ones screaming about collusion???

I hope you enjoyed reading my random thoughts as much as I enjoyed writing them. God Bless.


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