Tuesday, September 5, 2017


This has become a very hot issue as of late, and if you really look closely you will see that it has a large number of facets. I don't profess to be an expert on this by any means, but I do have some very strong feelings about it.

I have strong feelings about immigration because I believe in the absolute sovereignty of the United States of America. I believe in borders, language and culture. If there are no borders, and no enforcement of borders, there are essentially no laws. Stop and think about that for a moment. It is as simple as the property line around your place of residence. You consider everything inside that property line as belonging to you. You take measures to insure that, by putting up fences, security devices, perhaps even a guard dog. When you retire for the evening, you lock your door and make sure the house is secure. Some of you will even keep loaded firearms to thwart a burglar or worse. When you do all of those things, in reality you have created a scaled down version of the USA. You would not take it lightly if strangers started moving onto your property, and started living there uninvited. The first thing that would come to your mind, is ridding your property of the uninvited strangers, and maybe even building wall to keep them out in the future.

The United States of America belongs to it's legal citizens. It is our property, because it is our natural home. We were born here under it's laws. If you immigrated here legally, it is just as much yours as if you were born here. If you are not here legally, you don't own any part of it, and you have no lawful rights to be here period!! I see protestors carrying signs saying " there is no such thing as an illegal person". I really can't argue with that statement, but there is such a thing as an illegal resident. 

One of the arguments I hear constantly is about our broken immigration system. I hear people say this but they never explain why or how it's broken. It's really nothing more than a catch phrase because they have no idea what the hell they're talking about. The only thing that's broken about our immigration system is that it isn't being enforced. The lefties don't want an immigration system, they don't even want borders. In their strange and demented thought processes, they imagine a world where people are free to roam about at will. That doesn't seem to working out to well for Europe. There are a lot of really bad actors in this world that would love nothing more, than to see the lefties have their way and do away with our borders. It would be a very short time indeed, until life as you know it would disappear forever.

So, you have to ask yourself a number of questions. Why does the left feel this way. Do they simply hate the United States? It is after all the country they reside in as well. If they succeed in destroying it, are they moving somewhere else? Because life here will suck. No, I don't think it's any of that. I think they have been steeped in in the stupidity of ideology for so long, they can't see the utter danger and impending chaos that would result from a nation without borders. Very sad indeed. Our immigration system isn't broken, but our political system is. We have a government that is filled with self serving individuals that are willing to sell their souls to be re-elected, and no longer give a rip about the Republic or it's citizens.


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