Friday, September 29, 2017


I don't think it would surprise any of my readers that I watch a lot of news, on the Fox News Channel. However, I keep my finger on the pulse of other outlets as well, but considerably less than good ol' Fox. The polls are saying more and more people are thinking that our nation is coming apart at the seams. The folks at Fox are echoing that as well. I've been thinking about this for awhile now, watching the tensions increase among rival schools of thought. So I may have been a little ahead of the curve.

We went through periods like this in the sixties and early 70's. I remember, it got pretty darned intense. There were massive demonstrations at Berkley, and UC Santa Barbara. Anti war demonstrations, and of course the big one at the 1968 Chicago National Democratic Convention. That one makes Charlottesville look small time. Then there was the Weather Underground of which Bill Ayres was a member ( Barrack Obama's buddy ), and the Symbionese Liberation Army that had a massive shootout with the Los Angeles Police Dept. That one did not end well for the Symbionese folks. Somehow Patty Hurst escaped with her life. The Universities around the nation were breeding grounds for some pretty crazy left wing organizations. The National Guard even fired on demonstrators at Kent State with live ammo killing several of them, one of my dearest friends was there that day and witnessed it. Last but not least, the infamous Watts Riot in 1965 that was started when the police were making an arrest and things got very much out of control. The carnage from that was incredible, and I'm sure it was under reported. I was working nights at the edge of Watts, and I rode out of the area that night on my trusty motorcycle. One night during the height of the riots, I took my family up to Mt. Wilson observatory, from there you can see the entire L.A. Basin. It literally looked as if someone had cut a big hole out of Los Angeles as there was no power in that area.

We seem to be going through another period of dissent among college students, but this time it seems to be a bit different. During the 60's and 70's the dissenters were more like small bands of soldiers involved in guerilla tactics, utilizing firearms and bombs. Bill Ayres and the Weathermen were prolific bombers, not to mention the Symbionese Liberation Front that shot it out with the LAPD. The dissenters of this generation, although exhibiting some level of violence, seem more intent to kill free speech. I'm sure they feel if they are successful, it will make it very easy to conquer and wipe out conservatism once and for all. No matter what the motives were, or are, they have one thing in common, they are being born on the campuses of this nations colleges and universities. Our institutions of higher learning seem to be incubators of craziness. Does a higher education somehow make people more prone to become perfidious. If that's the case, that makes our colleges and universities a threat to our National Security and they deserve closer scrutiny.


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