Wednesday, September 20, 2017


My gawd, there are racists everywhere, they are hiding behind every bush, they're lurking in the shadows, they're hiding in the frozen food section of your grocery store. President Trump wears white pajamas with a pointed hat. There are Nazis and Fascists in the White House. There are bands of white vigilantes roaming the streets of every major city. You may not be aware, but there were over 1,000 cross burnings in Detroit, and several hundred in Chicago last month.

Of course none of this is true. But if you listen to Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison and the Congressional Black Caucus, this is the message they are trying to perpetuate. They are on a mission to demonize every white person alive today. What is really amazing, is that the white idiots in the Democrat Party are going along with it. How utterly stupid can they be?

I'm an old white guy. One of those guys you're supposed to hate. Because somehow, while I was busy trying to keep a roof over my head, feed my family and pay my bills, sometimes working two jobs, I was plotting against people of color, helping to keep them oppressed and down trodden. Yep, that was me. These are the cold hard facts people; I have been involved in management most of my life, I have hired and fired a lot of folks, all races, all colors and nationalities. I can honestly tell you that I have never witnessed any form of racism in my lifetime, perpetrated by a white person or persons. Do white guys tell racist jokes? Of course. Telling a joke is a lot different than keeping someone from earning a living for their family because of their skin color. I have been in the work force going on 60 years, in four states, I have never seen that happen, period. There is another thing I can tell you with certainty, stupidity comes in all colors.

I have an opinion of what Black people call racism. Have you noticed how many blacks, even major sports stars and entertainers say that racism is everywhere. What I am about to say is common knowledge. Black neighborhoods in the inner cities are very dangerous places. Almost any, all black community is dangerous. Blacks readily admit this. The crime rate among African Americans is way out of control. The percentage of traditional mother/father families is very low. Seventy percent of black children are born to single women, and because of that they are hopelessly trapped in poverty. Public schools in black communities are horrible. The teachers take their lives into their own hands working in these schools. Nobody seems to have an answer on how to fix this never ending problem. The day to day misery brought about by irresponsible behavior, and the lack of leadership in the black communities, perpetuate an atmosphere of hopelessness. And that my friends, is what I think is misinterpreted as racism by the folks caught up in this never ending nightmare. They can only assume that some unseen force is behind it. They are simply unable to see the truth.

Oh, and by the way, most voting Blacks are registered Democrats. Strangely, I can't remember any Democrat politician, or the Democrat Party, seriously addressing this problem. I have never seen a comprehensive policy put forth by a Democrat to alleviate the suffering. The only time they address it is when they are running for re-election.


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