Tuesday, September 19, 2017


When you read the title of this post I'm sure you were scratching your head. Actually the two are not really connected, but both are equally bizarre.

THE EMMYS: This is another one of those Hollywood Award shows that most Americans would never miss, if last weeks show just happened to the last one. It's about as exciting as watching the grass grow. As far as the female participants go, it's pretty much a contest of who can show the most skin, while exhibiting a total lack of intelligence. It's pretty clear that their "boobs" are incredibly larger than their brains. While the guys don't expose a lot of skin, they do expose the fact that they are total idiots as well.

There is not one individual opinion or thought among the whole damn group. They are spineless "sheeple". How do I know that? Because all night long it was a parade of copycat speeches, bashing President Trump. What do you think would have happened if one of them had stood at the mike and said;  "We need to stop making all of these divisive statements, give the President a chance, and start the healing process. We need to bring Americans together again as one nation"?  That person would have been run out of Hollywood, and their career would have been officially over. They would have been the most hated person in the world. Oh, wait a minute, aren't the folks in Hollywood always talking about how wrong it is to hate someone?

The people in the Hollywood crowd are nothing more than a bunch of self seeking, self aggrandizing, egotistical morons. I'm always amazed that they are constantly preaching to the world about environmental, and political issues while buzzing around the world on their private jets and yachts, doing absolutely nothing for anyone other than themselves. You're entertainers, nothing more, shut up and dance.

EUROPEAN UNION: What is going on in the European Union is a complete mystery to me. As much as I try, I can't make any sense of it. Europe and England are the birthplace of the great civilizations. Great architectural masterpieces, literature, theater, and most of all, laws and court systems that are very similar to what we have today. It is the birthplace of ballet and great symphonies. It was the home to some of the worlds greatest artists. So, why are the European political leaders turning their nations over to Arabs, who have absolutely nothing in common with the Europeans? The real truth is, that the Islamic faith hates everything about Europe and it's culture.

It is also a well known fact, that when Islam becomes the dominant force, the first thing they do is destroy all signs of the former civilizations, their monuments and buildings as if they never existed. They also set about killing everyone that is not Arab or Muslim. All of that said, I can't imagine what the leaders of the European Union think they stand to gain from literally handing over their countries to these barbarians. They are already engaged in murdering Europeans and Brits in the streets, in the largest number possible, anyway they can. There is a place to leave your comment at the bottom of this page. If you have an explanation as to why anyone with an intelligence level higher than a grape would do this, I really want to hear it. 


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