Monday, September 11, 2017


BODY SHAMERS: I am always highly amused by pictures of celebrities with a caption claiming that they are being body shamed. Boys and girls, anytime you have a lot of money and fame, a certain number of people are going to hate just for those two reasons. Based on that, what do think is going to happen when you appear in a photo or in public, half naked. All of those people who hate you are going to poke fun at any imperfection you have, no matter how small.

Firstly, why does anyone care what the body shamers say? Secondly, who are these body shamers and what are their credentials, to make statements about what's perfect and what is not? People, it's just totally unimportant crap, and this is why; I've been on this planet over 3/4 of a century. I have yet to see anyone with a perfect body. I've seen some that are close, but never perfect. You know why? Because human beings are never perfect. The human body always has some sort of imperfection.
Here's what I think; I think anybody that body shames should be required to post their pictures in their underwear, in the bright noon day sun, for everyone to see and judge.

DACA AND THE DREAMERS: If you were brought into a foreign country by your parents as a very small child it's pretty clear to me that you didn't have any choice in the matter. In reality what should have happened, is that the parents and the children should have been deported back to their home country. The parents broke the law, period. But, nobody did that. Our lame brain lawmakers are great at making laws, but terrible when it comes to enforcing them. It's pretty clear they only do what makes them look good, and makes it more likely they will be re-elected. Neither the right or the left has ever had the initiative to enforce immigration laws. The politicians are more interested in building up a voter base than protecting the sovereignty of America. My feeling is, that because these young people were victims of circumstance, they should be given some sort of path to citizenship. However it shouldn't be an easy path, they need to realize how fortunate they are to be in the U.S.A.
 I don't think they do at the moment. I see them waving signs of protest against the President and the government, and I'm seeing far more Mexican flags than American Flags being waved. It would make me feel a lot better about these people, if they were at least showing some sort of Patriotism and love for the USA. Oh and by the way, the left is now espousing that the dreamers are serving in the military. Don't be fooled by that line, a little less than one percent of 800,000 have joined the armed services. Botta Book, Botta Boom.


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