Monday, October 2, 2017


If you are one of those unfortunate folks that can't stay away from your computer, or your phone, or your television for more than a few minutes I feel very bad for you.

MOBILE PHONES: I see males and females of younger ages in great numbers, that literally can't put their phones down long enough to do ordinary tasks like order their food at fast food joints. We actually have a restaurant in my area that has a sign telling people to get off their phones before reaching the order desk. I have seen people on their phones make the workers on the order counter wait for them to finish the text or conversations before placing their order, and there are people in line behind them. Cell phone users are probably among the rudest people in the world. They wander around stores with their heads down gazing at their phone totally oblivious to what is happening around them, falling over things, running into other shoppers, or just plain standing in the way. I was in a Chipotles store a few weeks ago, the store ran out of plastic forks. Two teenage girls took videos of the empty fork container??? I see youngsters with phones recording virtually everything they do, everywhere they go. Whatever makes them think they are that important? In my state it is against the law to even be holding your phone while driving. For cops that has to be the easiest bust ever. All you have to do is watch the cars sitting at a traffic signal. Almost every time, one car in the line will be oblivious that the light has changed to green, and the driver is staring at his crotch. How easy is that?

SOCIAL MEDIA: This seems to be the place where those pictures of empty fork containers show up. It's also the place where you find out your neighbor is suffering from constipation, or their soul mate dumped them for the local cross dresser. You also may find out that the really nice person that you talk to at the local market, is actually some sort of raging lunatic. Now you have to find a way to avoid that person in the future or find a new place to shop. Who the hell wants to be killed in the produce department? Another thing, I think probably at least 80% of the pictures of people engaging in what appears to be really fun stuff, are posted to irritate someone they hate, saying "look at me, I can have just as much fun without you".

24-7 NEWS: Do we really need this much news? Think about it. Most major news events ( unless it's a full blown war ) take place in a very short time span. The news stations talk about it for days, bringing in experts from every corner of the earth while they run the same stupid videos over and over on an endless loop. God help you if it has a political angle, then you get a mix of experts and non experts ( aka politicians ).  Then often times the story just goes away, and you never hear another word. A year goes by and you ask your friend, whatever happened to that guy that killed twenty five goats and an alligator in three hours. Nobody ever knows, it's like it never happened. So how do you find out? You hear the guys estranged brother-in-law talking about it on Facebook.

People, it's all a bunch of crap. It's all about making millions of dollars doing something that for most part, is practically useless. But there is one thing it does for sure, it keeps hate and animosity alive. It pisses people off really bad, that sort of like to be pissed off in the first place. And, it reinforces the hate that people had in the first place, for whatever it was that they hated. So, if you enjoy being a total dumbass, keep all of these things deeply embedded in your everyday life, and forget what it really means to be alive, which is loving people, animals, families, and enjoying God's creation without a damned cell phone in your hand. Cheers.


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