Friday, October 20, 2017


I have hesitated to write about this due to total lack of knowledge about how and why it happened. I don't think anyone in history has ever done such a heinous act without an apparent motive or leaving some sort of manifesto. Steven Paddock, from all accounts of those who knew him, would have been the last guy to commit such an act. During one of the LVPD briefings, Chief Lombardo expressed his disbelief that Paddock could have transported all of that weaponry to the 32nd floor without some sort of assistance. Immediately, I thought, have you not watched the footage from the surveillance cameras? That should have given them the answer to that question. However, it appears that the hotel doesn't have security cameras in the corridors. In today's world, that's really dumb. Then my next thought is they must have security cameras in the elevators. It turns out that Mandalay Bay allowed Steven Paddock to use the freight elevator without a hotel employee present. Another really dumb move. So I have to assume from what I just told you, there is no footage of Paddock moving his arsenal onto the 32nd floor.

Next big mistake by the hotel is to let Paddock refuse maid service indefinitely. After three days all sort of red flags should have been raised. Then the Sherriff goes on live TV and announces the time line of events. That turns out to be incorrect, and is modified an additional three to four times. Then in the aftermath, Jesus Campos the hotel security officer, is credited with interrupting the shooter, and in the process, getting wounded himself. If that was actually the case, he should be credited with saving a lot of lives. That turns out to be incorrect and apparently he was wounded before the shooter began firing on the crowd below. This is where the time line and series of events begins to get very cloudy.

Next big event is that Campos is scheduled to go on live TV, with several news organizations including Sean Hannity, of Fox News. He never showed up, and disappeared for over a week. It seemed no one knew where he was. Then out of nowhere he shows up on the Ellen DeGeneres show of all places. This has everyone scratching their heads.

It turns out that MGM and Mandalay Bay Hotel are major sponsors of Ellen DeGeneres. They have "Ellen" slot machines in the casino. MGM is so far down the tubes on this it ain't funny. Their virtual lack of security, and loose occupancy rules, weigh heavily in Steven Paddock being able to pull off this horrible deed undetected. Trotting Campos out on the Ellen DeGeneres show and doing a "softball" interview was an effort to mitigate damages, nothing more nothing less. There is so much money at stake here it is mind boggling. The lawsuits could end up being in the billions of dollars. MGM is not in a good position, so look for more maneuvers to conceal facts.

In the meantime, the public sorely wants to know what the hell happened. Families of the deceased and wounded want to know what the hell happened. In reality I'm not sure we ever will, considering all of the circumstances and money at stake. It's a sad day in many, many ways. God Bless all of the people that were killed or inured that fateful night.


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