Friday, October 27, 2017


I have to be upfront about this issue. I have never been one of those guys that can recite all kinds of stats on football current and past. I've just never been that into it. That said, I can truthfully say that now and then I enjoy a good football game between two really excellent teams. However I'm beginning to dislike pro football more and more.

If you go back and look at videos of NFL games from the seventies and back, I think you will understand what I am about to say. I will be first in saying, that the players today are amazing athletes. These guys do things that are almost super human. I'm in awe of their abilities and skills. What I am not impressed with, is their total lack of humility, and respect for one another.

I am put off watching these guys constantly grand standing when they make a tackle, or an interception, or a touchdown. Their actions are saying LOOK AT ME, I'M THE BEST! They prance and stomp, and shout while shaking their fists, sometimes even standing over the guy they just knocked down shouting at him. In my opinion, I think it's a raciest gesture of black superiority. It is a total lack of sportsmanship, and inability to act in a civil manner. I'll be the first to say that football is, in itself is a bit uncivil, but do they really have to take it to this level? This is crap you see in street brawls, not on athletic fields. Some would say that intimidation is part of a winning strategy. I say, losing the game is enough intimidation for anyone.

Seeing Joe Flacco deliberately hit in the head and knocked out by another player after he was down is exactly what I am talking about. Later in the game one of the dirtiest players in the league, N. Suh grabs the throat of the back up quarterback Ryan Mallett. Then makes the lame excuse he was defending himself from that big dangerous quarterback.

While the black players are fabulous athletes, they also bring with them, a very undesirable atmosphere of arrogance and violence. They bring with them a disrespect for the game of football which has been enjoyed by the American public since November 6, 1869. As if this isn't enough, they are now disrespecting the flag and the United States of America, for a cause that they could take care of themselves if they got off their knees went to work and changed the seriously flawed culture of Black America. My Mom always told me clean up your own house before you complain about someone else's.


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