Wednesday, November 1, 2017


I am completely and utterly dumbfounded by the thinking that I am about to discuss. The people that make the decisions regarding immigration, can't possibly be as ignorant, or stupid as their decisions would indicate. It boggles my mind, and I really try to make sense of it, but it's impossible to do. Stop and think about what I am about to say.

Britain, France, Belgium, Italy and Germany, were ravaged by the Nazis in WWll. Their cities massively destroyed as the result of a seven year long war. Millions of people slaughtered. All of that considered, why in hell would you invite hundreds of thousands, even millions of people into these countries that are nothing more than Nazis of a different color. Hitler hated Jews and anyone that wasn't white. Muslims hate Jews and anyone that is white. They bitterly hate anyone that isn't Muslim period. They even hate Muslims that they consider to be the wrong brand of Muslims. They are miserable, hate filled, war mongers. Take a look at the countries they come from. Their cities are in shambles from years of war amongst themselves. They live in filth and squalor and have for centuries. It's what they consider normal. So, again, why would the leaders of these beautiful countries, rich in traditions, and history allow millions of these monsters into their midst? These people don't give a rip about Europe, they just want to destroy the Christians and Jews and wipe out every trace of them ever being here.

The clueless European leaders see them as poor helpless refugees. People that truly understand what is going on, as I do, see them as an invading army. They will come into these countries and set up Muslim communities and live in relative peace as they slowly grow in numbers, even start participating in the governments, biding their time until they become the dominant percentage of the population. When they become the dominant percentage, they will start taking over the host country. Eventually, what was a Christian country for centuries will become Islamic. What makes it easier, the white Christians will continue to practice voluntary birth control, while the Muslims will have as many children as humanly possible. In the end Christians will have committed voluntary genocide.

Now, let's take a look at our own country, and our own ignoramus leaders. The New York City Muslim asshole that just killed eight innocent people was from Uzbekistan. I had to look at a map to see where this hell hole was located. You may ask how I know it's a hell hole, if I didn't even know it existed? I know it's a hell hole because they said it was a totally Muslim country. So, some genius sitting in Washington D.C. that has never been in Uzbekistan, and probably doesn't know where it is either, thinks it's a good idea to offer people a chance to come to the USA on a lottery visa. Has something to do with diversity. No thought whatsoever. By the way, why do we need more diversity? Last time I looked we have too much diversity. Half the people in the United States hate the other half. So what makes these dumbass politicians think we need more people that hate us in the mix. Don't you think it would be a good idea to figure out our existing social problems before creating more? Hell, we're fighting over which restrooms people can use, when their one of 65 different genders. I can actually see the future where cities will have one huge building in the center of town, with hundreds of bathrooms for hundreds of genders, and the Democrats will still be whining. Here is the very serious bottom line folks; gender identification will never be a problem for Islam. Think about that for awhile.


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