Monday, November 13, 2017


This picture speaks not volumes, lots of volumes. I saw this on Facebook today and couldn't resist
including it in my blog. The person that put this together was pure genius. Every single guy in this picture was a known predator prior to being given that award, but they gave it to them anyway. The Democrats have always been far to cozy with the entertainment crowd. It has been a very poorly kept secret that the moral compass of Hollywood elites quit working sometime around the advent talking movies. I have literally heard people discussing it my entire lifetime.


As a casual observer, show business has always been just a little shady, and has pretty much always pushed the envelope no matter what era you name. Burlesque being a very good example. What was seen and heard in a Burlesque show was extremely Avant-garde in it's day. I remember seeing a news segment from the days of May West. A group of Christian leaders went to Hollywood and successfully pressured Hollywood to tone down Ms. West's steamy rhetoric. The lines recited by Ms. West seem quite harmless by today's standards, but back in the day they were considered very naughty. The point I am attempting to make, is that Hollywood movies are very influential, and it has successfully lowered the bar of human decency to an all time low. And make no mistake, it is 100% intentional. Hollywood has no morals, and they don't want you to have any either. They want to sell you their trash and sexual deviancy.

In the history of the world, no more simple rules have been laid down on how to live your life in peace and happiness, than the Ten Commandments. Simple, to the point guidelines, for human decency. Modern movies and TV, seem to be hell bent on trashing every one of them and the people that still try to live by them. Christians today are viewed as backward morons. There is one very important thing to remember about all of this....all of these glamorous Hollywood people profess to be undying Democrats.

So, in summary this is how I see Hollywood. We have seen murder committed by almost every means possible from chain saws to electrocution. We've seen people dismembered before our very eyes. We have seen horrendous crashes of planes, trains, automobiles, virtually every type of vehicle. We have seen adultery, rape, incest, sex between different genders, same genders, even some unidentifiable genders. We've seen nudity from partial to full on frontal. Can't even say how many people we have seen blown away with every conceivable type of weapon and explosive. We've seen people using drugs in every form, doing stupid stuff while being intoxicated by alcohol. There is nothing that Hollywood knows how to do better than portray the "arm pit of humanity".

If you think this doesn't have a tremendously negative effect on the population, you don't have a functioning brain.


1 comment:

  1. good work Ben. Good sermon you missed your calling you should be a preacher!!!
