Wednesday, November 8, 2017


100% UNSCRUPULOUS: The 100% loyal liberal soldier, Ms. Donna Brazil, shook the foundations of the Democrat Party this week with the release of her new book " Hacked ". What I find interesting is that almost instantly all of the top Democrats were labeling her a traitor, more or less, calling her timing questionable releasing the book just before a few state gubernatorial races. As most of you know by now, the big bombshell is, she say's she has proof that Hillary Clinton rigged the entire Democrat Primary. C'mon people, are you really surprised that Hillary Clinton would do such a thing. If you're surprised, you can't be a day over ten years old. What I thought was hilarious, if Hillary had not had the Super Delegates locked in, crazy ol' Bernie would have come awfully close to beating her. Also, think about this; Bernie ran a total soft ball campaign against her. It's been said more than once by more than one person, that if you trash the Clinton's you will suffer majorly. Maybe ol' Bernie was just exercising a little political self preservation. Even now, after the claim has been made by Ms.Brazil, ol' Bernie has been as quiet as a little mouse. I only heard two or three Democrats speak badly of Hillary, and they were Bernie supporters. That alone speaks volumes about the Democrat Party.

MARIAH CAREY:  She recently underwent weight loss surgery. It's understandable that she has a weight problem, she can't keep her mouth shut. If they just taped here mouth shut, she would loose weight and seem instantly smarter. I'm not sure why she is still around, have you heard her voice lately? Her and Hillary need to learn how to exit gracefully and leave behind better memories.

NAACP AND THE NATIONAL ANTHEM: The California NAACP has called for replacing "The Star Spangled Banner" as the National Anthem, calling the song raciest and anti black. Citing the third stanza as anti black. Which it is not. My recommendation to black folks or anyone else that don't want to salute "Old Glory" and sing the Star Spangled Banner, is to apply for citizenship in Canada or somewhere else. Just leave.

GAY TALESE COMMENTING ON KEVIN SPACEY: After reading Gay's comments, it's really unclear which of them is the bigger idiot.

DEVIN PATRICK KELLEY:  Out of the millions of babies that have been aborted, why not him?

LAS VEGAS DRIVERLESS SHUTTLE:  A short two hours after the launch of the first driverless shuttle in Vegas, it ran into a semi trailer truck. It's sensors couldn't see something as big as a semi? Not too long ago a Tesla on auto pilot ran into a semi. Somehow large trucks are invisible to these things? I think I'll give it a little more time before I jump on one.



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