Tuesday, October 24, 2017


WOW! What a difference a day makes. The Russia train just shifted into reverse and is about to run down the Clinton gang. By the way, you know how the media is always putting the names of celebrities together like Brad and Angelina and calling them Branjelina. Why didn't anyone ever do that with Bill and Hillary? I mean being from Arkansas, don't you think Hillbillary would be appropriate? Sounds good to me.

Well today might be the beginning of the end for the Clintons. A currently unnamed source came forward today and spilled the beans on the Russian connection between the Podesta Group ( Hillary's campaign managers ) Paul Manafort, and a slew of shadowy Russian figures, buying access to the Clintons. Apparently it worked well. The Russians were able to acquire 20% of the Uranium belonging to the United States, and the Clintons ended up at least 150 million dollars richer. It even goes deeper, involving the former President, Barrack Hussein Obama, and his Justice Department headed up by the infamous Erick Holder. Even the FBI is tainted in this as they were aware of all of these shenanigans going on.

Also in the news today, the now famous Trump Dossier. Remember is was designed to destroy candidate Trump, but almost instantly, it was proven to be total hogwash. It came from a firm called Fusion GPS. Up until today, nobody knew who paid for that false document to be produced. We now know that the document was purchased by none other than the DNC.

What is absolutely amazing, is that the legions of main stream investigative reporters never saw any of this and it was right under their collective noses. Why? Because they were so blinded by their hate for President Trump they would have never uncovered it. It didn't fit their left leaning agenda, and the story they were trying so desperately to promote.

This is the looming question. Will the Republican congressional committees do their job and see that these perps get what's coming to them? I have been horribly disappointed in the past by their lackluster performance in such matters. It might be in our best interest to give our congress men and women a call and tell them to "man up" and do what we expect them to do. UPHOLD THE LAW!!


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