Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Is it just me, or is this whole Las Vegas thing getting really weird. Think about this; the hotel security guard Jesus Campos was supposedly wounded in the leg by a round from the killers gun. Paddock was using an AR15. The bullet leaves the muzzle at three times the velocity of a handgun and can destroy three inches of leg bone, literally turning it into dust. The exit wound can be as large as an orange. It destroys body tissue horribly. It can turn your liver into jello. But somehow Campos never went to a trauma center, only an urgent care?? Then two days later drove a car to Mexico where he apparently visited with friends and family?? I don't think this guy took a round from an AR15. Maybe he fell over a service cart. Apparently now, there is now some doubt about his role as a security guard. The LVPD is totally quiet, as well as the FBI. I'm beginning to think the I in FBI stands for indolence. It certainly did in Hillary's email case. Not a single word has been uttered concerning updates in the investigation. For the most horrific mass murder in American history, I can't believe how it is being handled. I think you can safely say, that Jesus Campos, now the property of MGM.

This is equally as weird as the Las Vegas story. How was the Russian Government able to acquire 20% of the American uranium supply?? Britain, Australia, maybe, but Russia?? Give me a friggin break. Who in their right mind, as a red blooded American would even consider doing this. There is only one answer; these players had more greed than patriotism. Make no mistake about it, there was plenty of money to go around. The FBI was investigating all of the corruption and racketeering associated with this and briefing Obama on it. It was no secret the Russians were hell bent on grabbing at least one fifth of our uranium and the Obama administration was more than happy to allow it to happen. Considering all of that, you have to ask yourself another important question. Why weren't the Republicans raising the holy hell about this deal. Did you hear any of them shouting FOUL, to the top of their lungs? I didn't. Don't let the Dems tell you that all of the uranium is still here, it's not. The Russians have been shipping it to Canada and then overseas to unknown destinations. Herbert Philbrick is turning over in his grave because of this.

If you have been watching the news lately, you have heard all kinds of folks complaining about our Presidents lack of dignity and "presidential demeanor".  Everyone on the left says it at least once or twice a week, plus a lot of Republicans chime in as well. The left and some Republicans seem to think they are experts on this subject. Here are some examples of dignity from the left: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Watters, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Al Green, Frederica Wilson, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Howard Dean, Al Gore, Joe Biden, Bill de Blasio, and all of those wonderful people in Hollywood, that did nothing, and allowed Harvey Weinstein to terrorize women for decades. Oh yeah, John F. Kennedy put on a great act of dignity, but was a well known womanizer, even having an affair with Marilyn Monroe. A few years later his brother Ted drove his car off a bridge landing upside down in the water, walked away for help, leaving the young woman ( not his wife ) in the car to drown. A true act of dignity if I ever saw it.
   I have to admit George W. Bush exhibited a lot of dignity, but he allowed the press and the left to walk all over him. He allowed them to attack him relentlessly and never fought back. I lost a lot of respect for him because he allowed that to happen. I respect President Trump for not allowing these empty shirts to attack him. If Republicans were more like President Trump, we wouldn't have lost 20% of our uranium stockpile to Russia.


1 comment:

  1. Ben we must continue to be aware that our government leaders are not caring for Americans. They are in a special club and we are not members. Quoted from Carlin. Today the supposed very honest and squeaky clean VP Pence just cast the deciding vote taking away the right of Americans to seek justice from the criminal banking system. Let us not place our hope on corrupt men but on the Lord he is our only hope. Lets pray that our leaders will acknowledge and respect the creator God and seek his wisdom and guidance.
