Tuesday, October 17, 2017


There is nothing I like better than a good conspiracy theory, especially if you can see certain things that make you say, hey, that might be true. Well boys and girls I have one for you to think about.

What do politicians and political parties love more than absolute power? that's right, absolutely nothing. Why do you think governments like gun control? Because unarmed masses are much easier to control. An uprising of unarmed people is easily controlled by an armed militia. How smart do you have to be to understand such a basic concept? Remember all of those hapless Jews being loaded into railroad cars headed for the gas chambers. They were being controlled by a handful of soldiers with guns. Obviously, a lot of people don't get it. Just remember the words of Benjamin Franklin who said, "people who give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty or safety".

This is what I want you to think about. The only thing that stands between the populace of the United States and tyranny is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. How did you know that those two documents even existed? If you had not been taught about these documents in school, how would you have known about them. The point is, you wouldn't! If you wanted to take over the United States and turn it into another socialist cesspool, the best place to start would be to dumb down the educational system and start moving away from teaching about Freedom and Liberty, and our rights to be a free people. We are getting much closer to that than you think. There are guys like Watters, and Dice, walking around on the streets and college campuses, asking basic questions about our National History, and why we celebrate Independence Day, among other things. A huge percentage have no clue. There are politicians who actually think the Constitution and Bill of rights are outdated and have little or no meaning in todays world. The documents stand in their way of domination.

All of us old folks who were brought up to love our country and flag, and stood ready to give our life it their defense are slowly dying off. So if they continue dumbing down our students year after year, and allowing an unmitigated flow of poorly educated immigrants into our nation, eventually no one will give a rip about those two wonderful documents. I will submit to you if this trend does not change, that by 2050 this country will be a gun free, socialist cesspool. Personal freedom and Liberty will cease to exist. If you want your children and their children, and beyond to inherit this wonderful Nation and it's freedom, don't let this happen. Tear down the liberal agendas being put forth in our schools and universities, and control immigration. It's that simple.



  1. Good Work Ben could not have said it better. But how do we give legs to this challenge? We need to find a way to get to the young people with our message.

  2. It takes people with courage to stand up against the liberal school boards and the Board of Education. Oregon is so far down the liberal tubes I'm not sure anyone can rescue it. I think it's a lost cause, but we can keep chipping away at it anyway we can. Thanks for your comments, I appreciate you as a friend. Cheers.
