Thursday, October 12, 2017


I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and it became even more prominent in my mind today watching the left going bonkers over Columbus Day. You know this is not going to bode well with Italians. Columbus is their guy and this is going piss them off. What if they revoke everyone's right to make pizza. This could get really ugly. Seriously, think about what you have seen going on lately.

This is what I imagine a leftist USA would look like;

1. No historical monuments anywhere. Heaven forbid that someone may be offended by one of them.

2. Washington D.C. completely demolished, all historical buildings replaced by very modern looking structures devoid of any architectural features that may offend someone in the future. Besides, many of the old buildings were built with slave labor. ( According to the Black Caucus )

3. The names of all highways and roads replaced with numbers so as not to mention the name of any of our white forefathers or recent leaders such as governors or statesmen.

4. All public buildings stripped of names that may have evidence of gender.

5. All evidence of European Colonialism must be removed and forever banned from view. All history books must be destroyed and rewritten to exclude references to Europeans, describing how and when they got here. Plymouth Rock should be made into gravel.

6. All sports involving the use of animals such as horse racing, rodeos, dog sled races, and other such sports must stop immediately, as the animals are being exploited and abused. All animals in zoos and animal preserves must be released back into the wild where they belong. If you end up with a lions den on the vacant lot next to your house, deal with it. There will be special courts set up with animal defenders, to plead cases for animals that have been somehow harmed.

7. Cutting of trees will be strictly forbidden. All future buildings will be made from human and animal dung, recycled Nike basketball shoes, and Prius parts.

8. There will be no more fossil fuel electrical generating plants. All power will come from wind and solar. If it is a cold winter sunless day, with no wind, you're SOL. Start burning your old history books. You won't even be able to rely on the trusty old Hydro Electric Dams, they were all torn down to save the salmon, which were eventually eaten into extinction by sea lions, that were unlawful to kill. Yep, winters will be long, cold and dark. Oh well!!

9. Clothing will be less expensive. All gender specific clothing will be banned. Male, females and all other countless genders will dress in identical clothing that contain no animal products. There will only be a few variations of design to prevent class envy and humiliation of those less fortunate. Oh yeah, everybody has the same haircut. No gender specific hair styles.

10. Private automobile ownership will not exist. The government will provide all transportation which will be environmentally friendly. Each seat in the public transportation vehicles will be equipped with a set of pedals. If you're the only one on the bus, you're SOL.

11. All law enforcement agencies and guns will no longer exist. ANTIFA will be in charge of beating everyone into submission that doesn't comply with the communal tribal laws. You won't be able to record the beatings because you won't be allowed to own a cell phone, they were found to be environmentally unfriendly. Welcome to the leftist future. Enjoy your cold veggie burger and warm beer.



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