Thursday, August 31, 2017


When I was young,  I used to work for guy that had an interesting theory about people. As I went through the rest of my life, I found his theory to be pretty much spot on. He always told me that every five or six years, you should fire everyone and start over with a fresh group of people. His reasoning, was that when people stay in one place too long, they become lazy and incompetent. They develop all sorts of bad habits that are not in the companies best interest. The newly hired people on the other hand, are highly motivated and eager to do a good job, which is obviously good for the company.

When he first espoused this theory to me, it sounded cruel and callused. I thought, this guy is heartless. But, when you really think about this, it's absolutely true. When people work at the same job for year after year after year, they are nowhere near as motivated as they were when they were first hired, and actually start developing a " you owe me " attitude simply because of seniority. What you end up with are a bunch of highly paid employees with compromised enthusiasm. Quite often these people lose total sight of the company creed.

This is what has happened to the FBI. Every single agent should be fired and replaced with " fresh horses." These people have allowed a once highly respected government agency ( you have to admit that's rare in itself ) to be turned into a highly politicized, ineffective collection of knuckleheads. When an investigative agency, which is supposed to have total autonomy, allows it's work to be taken over by political factions it is worthless on it's face, and should be disbanded and recreated. They are no longer an investigative organization, they are now an arm of a political party, and that my friend is extremely dangerous to your freedom. James Comey drafted a letter of exoneration for Hillary Clinton months before they actually heard a single word of testimony from her or any of her aids. The entire investigation was a ruse. Virtually every word uttered by James Comey was a bald faced lie.

I always thought that the FBI was impervious to outside influences. Unfortunately it has become as corrupt as the rest of the Washington D.C. swamp. President Trump, it's time to utter your famous words to the entire FBI, "you're fired".


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Every now and then I like to write about random thoughts that crossed my mind as I went through my day. I am still gainfully employed, but I catch small glimpses of the news on my computer which triggers my slightly strange thoughts. On some days things that would normally piss me off, I find humorous. Is anyone else like that, or do I have some sort of undiagnosed mental disorder? Probably the latter.

DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: I know it's not nice to speak badly of how someone looks, but this has to be one of the strangest looking people ( notice I did not say women ) I have seen outside of a Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings movie. She could be related to Gollum. I have watched this woman over the past several years with some interest, because of her very aggressive leftist posture. It doesn't surprise me at all, that she is finding herself in what could be, some serious hot water. What is interesting about this dilemma she is in, is how she has been protecting the Pakistani guy, that has all the signs of being a full blown criminal. Call me crazy, but perhaps her relationship with this guy goes considerably beyond just a business relationship. It has all of the earmarks. Just sayin'.

MEYGAN KELLY: Considering how she spells her first name, her Mom had to be a student of phonics. She is about to launch a new show on NBC in the morning. The network insiders are in a panic, fearful that it will be a failure. I watched Meygan for years when she was on Fox, and I have to admit that she was one of my favorites until Donald Trump brought something out of her that she was unable to put back in the box. She was never able to contain her feminist anger after that. Donald Trump discovered her "Achilles Heel". Later, in a segment with Newt Gingrich it caused a very sharp exchange between the two of them. After watching her lose it several times, I lost all respect for her. I think the NBC insiders have every right to be concerned.

ANDERSON COOPER: The master of smugness. The master of acting like he is above everything common, that may be tainted in some way. I'll bet at some time in his life, he tried walking across the family swimming pool. Most people know this, but I will mention it in case you don't. He is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, and descendant of the incredibly wealthy Vanderbilt family that built a good portion of their wealth on the backs of slave labor. Anderson's great, great, great Grandfather owned hundreds of slaves. One of those slaves happened to be a man named Jim Robinson, who just happened to be Michelle Obama's great, great, grandfather. Don't you think it would be fitting for Anderson, in order to be worthy of that smug attitude, to disavow his family connections, and donate his fortunes to the poor black populations?

REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS: These people are totally dysfunctional. They have been pushed around by the Democrats for so long they don't know how to act now that they are actually in control. For several years I had two dogs. The older of the two was dominant. He always rode in the front with me, sitting up on the console of my pickup, the younger dog was relegated to the back seat. The older dog died two years ago and the younger dog still won't sit up front with me, he is content to sit in the backseat. I'm thinking that's pretty much what's going on in Washington with the Republicans.



Monday, August 28, 2017


My friends and family are all about to choke and fall over after reading the title of this post. I sometimes wear a pin that says " American by birth, Southerner by the grace of God." But stay with me and follow my logic. I am actually registered as an Independent although I vote Republican 99% of the time. The American South has been a Republican stronghold since the late 1940's for a variety of reasons. But make no mistake about it, the Democrats ruled the southern states during the time of slavery and were not about to give it up. The Democrats drove the creation of the Confederate States of America and the eventual secession. The act that started the infamous Civil War.

The Civil War like a lot of other wars has been romanticized long after it ended. There was nothing romantic about the civil war. It was a war in which each and every casualty was an American. Each and every piece of property that was burned and destroyed belonged to an American. I challenge you to look at the photographic archives of battlefields with hundreds of young American men laying dead, their bodies bloated and disfigured. The only good thing that came from the civil war, is that it ended slavery. No man or woman should ever be enslaved for any reason. Think about this, if the southern Democrats had simply complied with the Emancipation Proclamation, and freed the slaves as ordered by Abraham Lincoln the lives of thousands of Americans would have been saved. This is what happens when ideology ( read stupidity ) trumps common sense.

So what history teaches us, is that all of those Confederate statues are in the likeness of Democrats. The Confederate Battle Flag was created by Democrats. The death and destruction that resulted from the civil war was because the Democrats wouldn't give up their slaves.

I propose that we form a National Memorial Committee, and when we take down a statue of a Confederate Hero, we replace it with a prominent Republican that was instrumental in freeing the slaves. There will be more than enough Republicans to replace those rebel rascals. We also need to have a large statue to memorialize Ohio Republican William McCulloch who was a critical leader in the passage of the Civil Rights acts of the 1960's.

The Democrats have never been the friend of the blacks, as they would have you believe. Read history and know the truth. Look at the current state of the black community and tell me how well the Democrats have done in improving the lives of their black constituents. Seventy percent of black children are born out of wedlock. Unemployment is higher than any other minority group, and black communities have terrible stats when it comes to schools. Yep, it's time for the rebel statues to come down, and it's time for the black community to embrace conservatism.


Saturday, August 26, 2017


I have to admit I am a toxic male. I've created a list of the things I love to prove it.

1. Fast, loud, powerful cars that smoke the tires at my demand
2. Fast, loud powerful motorcycles, and the cool leather stuff that goes with riding.
3. Guns, most any type of gun.
4. All types of motorsports, in particular NASCAR
5. Tools and big red toolboxes
6. Trains, in particular steam trains. ( they're big and loud and shake the ground )
7. Old propeller driven war birds, P38's, P51's, B17's, and B29's. Love the awesome sounds.
8. My Ford F150.
9. Big rig diesel trucks. Fun to drive and I love the smell of diesel.
10. War ships especially battle ships.
11. Building stuff out of steel.
12. Big industrial machinery with tremendous power.
13. An occasional shot of good Kentucky Bourbon
14. Beautiful little babies and puppies.
15. Awesome women

I am proud to call myself a man. Am I a little "red necky"? yep. All of that maleness and yet I have never had the desire to beat anyone to death, kill them with one of my guns, or run them over with one of my cars. Being 100% male does not make you a criminal, being stupid makes you a criminal. I don't know if you've noticed but the number of females incarcerated for violent crimes is on the rise. Madonna recently said she has been thinking about "blowing up the white house" perhaps that  means we're overlooking Toxic Femininity. I've noticed a lot of that lately. I've also noticed a number of female demonstrators swinging weapons and breaking stuff.

*After the Charlottesville disaster, Jenna Friedman, who is a Hollywood writer, producer and filmmaker, sent out the following Tweet;

@ DODGE stop reinforcing toxic masculinity with your car ads. That TikiNazi terrorist smashed his DODGE into protestors, not his VW.

(For the record, Hitler was the driving force behind the development of the VW. and the Dodge Bros. were Jewish. The early Dodges had a Star of David atop the radiator )

Folks, it is a huge stretch to link Dodge ad material to some deranged idiot running down people with his car. Does this mean that Honda is somehow responsible for the terrorist that ran down the people on the college campus a while ago. Does that make the truck manufacturer responsible for the terrorist that killed all of those innocent people in Nice France, on Bastille Day? How about the manufacturer of the trucks that ran down the people in London and Germany a few month ago? Maybe we should examine their advertising and see if it overtly targets males. Oh yes, I forgot the woman that used her 1990's Oldsmobile to mow down pedestrians in Las Vegas last year. That's a clear cut case of Toxic Femininity if I ever saw it.

People, all of this political correctness is just pure BS. In the case of Ms. Friedman, in my opinion she is just suffering from LHDS. ( Liberal Hollywood derangement syndrome ) Do not get caught up in this nonsense. Remember, liberalism is a mental disorder.

*read more about this at Truth About Cars - " A loyalty moment @ Dodge " by Jack Baruth


Thursday, August 24, 2017


The home we lived in when I was a little kid had curtains on the closets, not doors. And the closet curtain in my room was rarely closed. I remember lying in bed in the dark, staring at the closet, trying to see if anything was moving. I always had an underlying fear that there was something bad in that closet, and somehow everyone in the family had missed finding it. Like most little kids I just had a big imagination.

The monster that I see now as an adult, is not in my imagination, it's on my computer. It's social media. I'm sure the person or persons that came up with the social media idea, thought how great it would be that people could communicate with one another in a wide open forum. In theory, it's a great idea. Post picture of your families, what is happening in your lives, on and on. Post your activities, just like having a world wide bulletin board. However, there are numerous problems associated with such an activity. The numerous problems are people. Or more correctly people with numerous problems. You proudly post a picture of yourself engaged in an activity that you are just learning to do. You are wearing your brand new outfit that you could barely afford that goes with the activity. First response you get is some horses ass telling you that you are fat, and look horrible. What you don't know, and can't see, is this horses ass that just said you look horrible, weighs 500 lbs. and hasn't been out of their house in five years. They just hate you because of who you are and what you are doing. They don't even know you. They just want you to feel bad because they do.

Next, you post a notice that you and your friends are going have a meeting in the local park to celebrate your love for geckos and invite fellow gecko lovers to join you. Unfortunately for you there is a group in the next town that thinks geckos are evil, and people that own them are possessed by Lucifer. Saturday afternoon you suddenly find yourself being attacked by crazy people in bright blue jump suits carrying big wooden crosses and little metal boxes confiscating your geckos, and scaring the living hell out of you and your friends.

It seems that no matter who you are, or where you come from, or what race you are, or what religion you are, there is another group that can't stand to look at you, and hates the very ground you walk on. God help you if you say anything about yourself or your activities on social media, you will be crucified by literally dozens if not hundreds of other people. It is quite simply a horrible, vile form of media. I will not engage in any of it. It is pretty much insanity on steroids. Young people commit suicide because of the horrible things others say about them, and they are not emotionally mature enough to deal with it. People can say really awful things to other people and remain totally anonymous, and never face that person. None of it is good. It is the Monster in the Closet for real.


Wednesday, August 23, 2017


I wrote about Antifa in my last posting, but I wanted to examine this whole right vs. left issue a little closer. A guest on the Tucker Carlson show today was a woman from the ACLU. She made the statement that the alt right movement was growing, and becoming increasingly more dangerous, and the ACLU would no longer defend their rights to free speech. My wife and I looked at each other in total disbelief. We both agreed that we are not seeing any such example. So, I decided to research the numbers to see if the ACLU was indeed telling the truth. Firstly you have to get past all of the bogus information put out by the SPLC. They wouldn't know the truth if it was staring them in the face.

The truth is, there are no real numbers to go by, because these groups largely communicate online and have no actual membership rolls to examine. So the number of individuals that subscribe to these groups, are merely estimates. They estimate is that the white nationalists number about 5,000 to 8,000. But actually nobody really knows for sure.

The same goes for the KKK and the neo nazis. The total estimated number of individuals in these two groups number about 10,500. So, if you take all of the numbers on the high side and total them, they amount to about 18,500. There are approximately 324 million people in the United States. That makes the percentage of white supremacist about .000005% of the total population. I really don't know anyone with a brain larger than a pea that would find these numbers alarming. I'm a white guy, a southern white guy, I hang with white folks, I don't know anyone that likes these idiots. That's why their numbers are small. The left wing media, and left wing zealots, that tell you the white supremacist movement is growing, are full of crap. They are lying, plain and simple. They are using this bogus information to energize the left wing forces, to further their own agenda.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa operate largely in the same manner. They don't seem to have official membership structures, they basically operate within social media sphere. Both have extremely active websites. I wasn't able to obtain daily hit information on the BLM site, but Antifa is currently getting about 10,000 to 20,000 hits a day on their site. Also, as you might imagine, considering how they operate they are very secretive about the identities of their active members.

Of all the so called extremist groups, I feel Antifa is the most dangerous. They have the blessings of the left wing media, and the Democrat Party. They are pretty much the fighting force of the left. Also, they seem to be very astute in being able to organize with other factions to form a diverse group of people, even local clergy. Antifa bills itself as anti fascist and anti capitalist. In the end, Antifa is nothing more than old fashioned Fascists using, the tactics that put Mussolini in power. Make no mistake about it, they hate everything about capitalism and the right, and are hell bent on destroying it. They are true enemies of the Republic.


Tuesday, August 22, 2017


FASCISM: The dictionary says it is a dictatorship that exalts nation and race. One of my early blogs dealt with this in some detail, but in light of the ongoing presence of the group that calls itself Antifa I feel like it's time to re-visit this topic. The group name is obviously a shortened version of anti fascist. This is where the "smoke and mirrors" comes into play.

Fascism had been around since the first world war but gained political momentum under the dictatorship of Mussolini in Italy before WWll. I am not going to get into the long history of how Mussolini came to power, however the main point I intend to make is that the fascist movement gained power through violence and intimidation. They gained power by shutting down political rallies put on by their rivals, by committing violent acts. They even committed murder, killing the Socialist Party deputy Giacomo Matteotti. The fascist goons were known for wearing black shirts as their uniforms. Thus the term " black shirts " was used to identify the hooligan thugs.

The Antifa group that I have seen in action are always the ones creating the violence. They are the ones setting fires, breaking windows, destroying public property. More importantly, they are shutting down events where individuals are speaking and promoting views that they don't agree with. That sorta sounds like fascism to me. It is just the opposite of the first amendment guaranteeing free speech. I also find it fascinating that they have chosen black as the color of their uniform. They also wear masks to conceal their identity just like the " black shirts " did in the days of Mussolini. I think there are too many parallels to disregard.

While Antifa bills itself as the protector of free speech, it is constantly shutting it down. Their lame response is that they are protecting people from hate speech. I really don't think I want these bozos and bimbos telling me what I can and can't hear. I am certainly capable of making that determination on my own. There is no way that I am going to listen to someone spew hatred in a speech, I will get up and leave. But I want everyone to have the freedom to say and listen to what they choose. No one has the right to deny me that privilege.

My friends, Antifa has a very strong smell of evil to me. I don't like their agenda. Their agenda is to deny my freedom to express my ideas, and listen to others with which I agree. These people have no place in a free society. Their agenda is "smoke and mirrors" doing just the opposite of what they say they are doing. This is the true agenda of the Alt Left. True Americans will turn away from them.


Sunday, August 20, 2017


NFL PLAYERS: This is an interesting group of people, from the owners to the players. I have to admit I am not a huge fan of pro football, but being a resident of the Pacific Northwest, I am compelled to take at least a limited interest in the Seattle Seahawks. However, what I do find interesting is the lives and attitudes of the players. Over the years there have been some amazing guys, that have proven themselves to be true gentlemen, and very responsible American citizens, making huge differences in the lives of kids from poor neighborhoods. Others have left the ranks of football to become very successful business men and community leaders.

Then, there are the others. Because of the nature of the game, it naturally attracts a lot of guys with big attitudes and big egos. These guys would be very out of place working at Google or Microsoft for sure. Because most of these guys are African Americans, some of them come from some pretty rough neighborhoods that most of us could not comprehend living in. Thus, they have a very different view of the world than most. All of this seems to instill a bitterness that doesn't go away, even when they are earning six and seven figure salaries. This is where the big disconnect happens.

They are living in the only country in the world where they could be lifted out of poverty to become multi-millionaires by participating on a pro sports team. You would think they would be proud and grateful, to be living in the United States of America. You would think that they would be anxious to stand and salute the Stars and Stripes, and give thanks for the opportunity they have been given. This nation is not perfect for sure, we have a ways to go before getting anywhere close to being perfect. My message to NFL players that don't stand for the National Anthem, is get off of your knees and asses and go to work to make it more perfect. Instead of bitching and complaining, do something about the things you don't like instead of waiting for others to do it for you. The real men and women that fought and died for your freedom, have no respect for behavior such as yours. I have no respect for you if you don't stand and salute Old Glory, as a matter of fact I consider you an enemy of the state.

KANYE WEST VS. JAY Z: It is being reported that these guys are involved in some sort of feud. Kanye West is always feuding with someone, besides, why would you care???

THINGS WOMEN OVER 40 SHOULD NOT OWN: This was a caption on an article on my MSN home page. One of the items was UGGS. Holy crap, these are the ugliest things anyone of any age could put on their feet. I've never seen any product so appropriately named. They also mentioned leggings. Of all of the females I have ever seen wearing these atrocities, I think maybe only five percent looked good. Women over ten years old shouldn't even consider wearing them. Sparkly eye make up... Looks just OK on teens, but older women, come on, it's like putting chrome wheels on an old rusty truck. Kinda reminds me of old men driving Corvettes and hot rods. Get some class!!


Saturday, August 19, 2017


I watch a lot of news and digest a ton of political crap everyday. I've been doing this for awhile now. I suppose I have some sort of mental situation going on. That's what most people say when you spend a lot of time doing something you enjoy. They say you're obsessive compulsive, I think that's the term they use. I don't pay much attention to people that make those kind of statements because I've already written them off as nut cases. As a matter of fact I don't see many people these days that appear to be totally sane, and the minute they start talking they confirm my suspicions.

I'm totally amused by the way the media is constantly taking the President's words and spinning them in a way that makes him look like something he is not. They can't get a grip on someone that simply say's what he thinks, and isn't continually trying to cover his ass by saying such things as " it depends on what the meaning of the word is, is." I'm sure you remember that infamous phrase by William Jefferson Clinton a few years back when he was denying having a tryst with Ms. Lewinski.

In his comments about what happened in Charlottesville, he simply said both sides came looking for a fight. That's a true statement, I watched the videos. The White Supremacists are a despicable bunch for sure, but so is Antifa and the Anarchists. In my estimation they are both anti American groups that are a disgrace to this nation. Now here comes the psychoanalysis; The media and the Democrats consider the Alt Left people as the valiant ones and the White Supremacists as Satan in the flesh. So when Trump say's they are equally bad, he is considered automatically taking the side of the far right nut jobs.

This is pretty much unwinnable for the President, because no matter what he says, at least 50% of the public is going to side with the left because that's what they are being fed by the media, and there is a certain segment of the Republicans that are spineless wimps that will do anything to get re-elected including becoming a "turn coat". To make things even worse for the President, the politicians on both sides of the aisle hate the idea of a non-politician calling them out for what they are " swamp dwellers". The President has a very long road ahead of him littered with land mines laid by his many enemies.

One more thing to ponder; Why is the right wing nut crashing into people with his car, so much worse than the left wing nut shooting down Republican lawmakers at a baseball practice? It seems to me that the Charlottesville violence was given far more fervent attention by the media. I also remember someone in the left wing media saying that perhaps Senator Scalise deserved it based on his political actions. People, the political atmosphere is getting very dark, everyone needs to lighten up. We are after all Americans, we need to start acting like it. We need to quit acting like tribal morons and start trying to live and let live. God Bless


Tuesday, August 15, 2017


NON ENGAGING POLICE DEPARTMENTS: I've been around this world a long time, a very long time actually. I have seen all sorts of public disturbances happen, and without fail, the local police departments move in with whatever force needed to quell the disturbance. If you remember back in the 60's and 70's the police utilized the very effective fire hose technique to clear the streets of rioters. I noticed this summer that they still use them in Europe. It is next to impossible to challenge someone when you are getting knocked to the ground by a powerful stream of water. Try throwing rocks and bottles at someone holding a fire hose on you, it ain't gonna happen.

I'm sure you have noticed by now, that when public disturbances happen the local police are basically monitors. They remind me of the TV commercial where the bank is getting robbed and people laying face down asked the guard if he's going to do anything. He replies, "oh, I'm not a guard I'm a monitor, the bank is being robbed". Well the police departments have become spectators, and their excuse is that, it's simply too dangerous to intervene. Too dangerous for who, them? I thought these guys were getting paid to protect life and property.

OK boys and girls, here's my conspiracy theory. Make note, that the riots that happened this past weekend were in cities with liberal left wing governments. The white supremacy groups had a permit to protest the removal of the Confederate monuments. They were acting within the law. The city governments knew they could not deny them the permit. However, you know in your heart that they were not happy about issuing the permit these groups. They also knew that if the protest was publicized, that the lefties would show up in force to counter protest, knowing full well that a melee would follow. Then they instructed the police to stand by an do nothing, thinking the white groups would get their ever loving asses kicked back to wherever they came from. Well, it didn't quite work out that way and there were numerous serious injuries and one death. The local authorities are responsible for the death of that woman, even though the act was perpetrated by a deranged moron. The fact that the authorities allowed the stage to be set for tragedy rather than taking pre-emptive measures makes them guilty as hell.

PULLING DOWN GENERAL LEE: Again, the police stood by and watched a historical monument destroyed by a group of knuckleheads. They did absolutely nothing. Now think about this for a moment and you will understand what took place. The local authorities wanted that damned statue gone forever. They knew if they didn't let the morons take it down, they were going to have to move the infernal thing to another location and it would continue to be a problem for them. The city Mayor tells the police chief to allow to happen. End of story, a valuable historical monument  is destroyed, and the left claims victory. Does this somehow rewind the tape of history, and erase the fact that slavery never happened?  Nope. What's ironic about this whole thing is that not every Democrat was a KKK member, but every KKK member was a Democrat. Maybe that's the history they're trying to get rid of.

TAYLOR SWIFT: In my last blog, I made light of the Taylor Swift ordeal, about the guy grabbing her butt. Well people, I was very wrong about that. After reading more about what happened, it was a lot more serious than I originally thought. The guy was a jerk, and got what he deserved. My apologies if my remarks offended any of the ladies out there.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017


I'm always amused by absurd stories that news organizations print, that normal people that have real lives couldn't care less about. I found a few of those lately that I found especially funny.

Lena Dunham: Now here is a real piece of work. I have yet to hear her say anything that remotely sounds like someone with the ability to reason above the level of a fifth grader. Recently she started a big flap because she allegedly overheard two airline employees discussing transgender people in a derogatory manner. These two women were having a private conversation, it wasn't being broadcast in any manner. Apparently it was not being recorded to be played back to audiences at a later date. This was a strictly private conversation that Ms. Dunham supposedly overheard. The sticking point according to Ms. Dunham, was that they were wearing their Airline uniforms. Ms. Dunham's fifth grade logic immediately takes over and reports the incident to the Airline. The stupidity of Ms. Dunham's actions is mind boggling enough, but the decision of a news organization to cover it is triple stupid.

Amber Rose: MSN did a story about Ms. Rose contemplating breast reduction. I want to know who cares, and why do they care. I'm not really sure what Amber Rose does. The name sounds like a cheap wine. When I looked at the picture I noticed the tattoos on her arms. They looked very familiar. Then I realized where I had seen them. Years ago I was in the hospital in Santa Ana California, and my room mate was a full on certified gang banger. Her tattoos looked exactly like his. Not that it really matters, I just find it a little strange.

Giant Craters in Siberia: Supposedly, they are being caused by thawing of the permafrost. Scientist are saying that these events could threaten human life. I'm not really sure how, but I will tell you that at my age I worry more about my fridge quitting and my frozen pizza thawing out.

Blind Airbus Landing: The news article showed the front of an Airbus that had been damaged in a hail storm and knocked out the radar. So somehow the landing of this aircraft without radar was a big deal. I thought that's what those two guys up front were for. It sounded like it was a surprise that they could actually fly the aircraft.

Transgender Athletes: I found this story incredibly amusing. It seems that transgender women ( used to be men ) are entering women's cycling events and as you might imagine are doing quite well. If you do your research you will find that simply replacing testosterone with estrogen doesn't really change the basic physiology of the male body structure. This give the transgender female a definite advantage over most of their "real deal" female competitors. It will be interesting to see how the "lefties" deal with this one.

Megan Fox: Seems she lets here sons wear dresses. A lot of people got wrapped around the axle on this one. But think about it, in her world, if her sons were normal they would be the butt of non-stop ridicule. Heck, she might even be accused of child abuse. Now everyone's safe.

Taylor Swift: What woman hasn't had her butt grabbed. Heck, I've had women grab my butt. Seems like she's making a pretty big deal about it. Probably a good thing she could sing and didn't have to be a waitress. She'd be in court every month.