Friday, October 27, 2017


I have to be upfront about this issue. I have never been one of those guys that can recite all kinds of stats on football current and past. I've just never been that into it. That said, I can truthfully say that now and then I enjoy a good football game between two really excellent teams. However I'm beginning to dislike pro football more and more.

If you go back and look at videos of NFL games from the seventies and back, I think you will understand what I am about to say. I will be first in saying, that the players today are amazing athletes. These guys do things that are almost super human. I'm in awe of their abilities and skills. What I am not impressed with, is their total lack of humility, and respect for one another.

I am put off watching these guys constantly grand standing when they make a tackle, or an interception, or a touchdown. Their actions are saying LOOK AT ME, I'M THE BEST! They prance and stomp, and shout while shaking their fists, sometimes even standing over the guy they just knocked down shouting at him. In my opinion, I think it's a raciest gesture of black superiority. It is a total lack of sportsmanship, and inability to act in a civil manner. I'll be the first to say that football is, in itself is a bit uncivil, but do they really have to take it to this level? This is crap you see in street brawls, not on athletic fields. Some would say that intimidation is part of a winning strategy. I say, losing the game is enough intimidation for anyone.

Seeing Joe Flacco deliberately hit in the head and knocked out by another player after he was down is exactly what I am talking about. Later in the game one of the dirtiest players in the league, N. Suh grabs the throat of the back up quarterback Ryan Mallett. Then makes the lame excuse he was defending himself from that big dangerous quarterback.

While the black players are fabulous athletes, they also bring with them, a very undesirable atmosphere of arrogance and violence. They bring with them a disrespect for the game of football which has been enjoyed by the American public since November 6, 1869. As if this isn't enough, they are now disrespecting the flag and the United States of America, for a cause that they could take care of themselves if they got off their knees went to work and changed the seriously flawed culture of Black America. My Mom always told me clean up your own house before you complain about someone else's.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Is it just me, or is this whole Las Vegas thing getting really weird. Think about this; the hotel security guard Jesus Campos was supposedly wounded in the leg by a round from the killers gun. Paddock was using an AR15. The bullet leaves the muzzle at three times the velocity of a handgun and can destroy three inches of leg bone, literally turning it into dust. The exit wound can be as large as an orange. It destroys body tissue horribly. It can turn your liver into jello. But somehow Campos never went to a trauma center, only an urgent care?? Then two days later drove a car to Mexico where he apparently visited with friends and family?? I don't think this guy took a round from an AR15. Maybe he fell over a service cart. Apparently now, there is now some doubt about his role as a security guard. The LVPD is totally quiet, as well as the FBI. I'm beginning to think the I in FBI stands for indolence. It certainly did in Hillary's email case. Not a single word has been uttered concerning updates in the investigation. For the most horrific mass murder in American history, I can't believe how it is being handled. I think you can safely say, that Jesus Campos, now the property of MGM.

This is equally as weird as the Las Vegas story. How was the Russian Government able to acquire 20% of the American uranium supply?? Britain, Australia, maybe, but Russia?? Give me a friggin break. Who in their right mind, as a red blooded American would even consider doing this. There is only one answer; these players had more greed than patriotism. Make no mistake about it, there was plenty of money to go around. The FBI was investigating all of the corruption and racketeering associated with this and briefing Obama on it. It was no secret the Russians were hell bent on grabbing at least one fifth of our uranium and the Obama administration was more than happy to allow it to happen. Considering all of that, you have to ask yourself another important question. Why weren't the Republicans raising the holy hell about this deal. Did you hear any of them shouting FOUL, to the top of their lungs? I didn't. Don't let the Dems tell you that all of the uranium is still here, it's not. The Russians have been shipping it to Canada and then overseas to unknown destinations. Herbert Philbrick is turning over in his grave because of this.

If you have been watching the news lately, you have heard all kinds of folks complaining about our Presidents lack of dignity and "presidential demeanor".  Everyone on the left says it at least once or twice a week, plus a lot of Republicans chime in as well. The left and some Republicans seem to think they are experts on this subject. Here are some examples of dignity from the left: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Watters, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Al Green, Frederica Wilson, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Howard Dean, Al Gore, Joe Biden, Bill de Blasio, and all of those wonderful people in Hollywood, that did nothing, and allowed Harvey Weinstein to terrorize women for decades. Oh yeah, John F. Kennedy put on a great act of dignity, but was a well known womanizer, even having an affair with Marilyn Monroe. A few years later his brother Ted drove his car off a bridge landing upside down in the water, walked away for help, leaving the young woman ( not his wife ) in the car to drown. A true act of dignity if I ever saw it.
   I have to admit George W. Bush exhibited a lot of dignity, but he allowed the press and the left to walk all over him. He allowed them to attack him relentlessly and never fought back. I lost a lot of respect for him because he allowed that to happen. I respect President Trump for not allowing these empty shirts to attack him. If Republicans were more like President Trump, we wouldn't have lost 20% of our uranium stockpile to Russia.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017


WOW! What a difference a day makes. The Russia train just shifted into reverse and is about to run down the Clinton gang. By the way, you know how the media is always putting the names of celebrities together like Brad and Angelina and calling them Branjelina. Why didn't anyone ever do that with Bill and Hillary? I mean being from Arkansas, don't you think Hillbillary would be appropriate? Sounds good to me.

Well today might be the beginning of the end for the Clintons. A currently unnamed source came forward today and spilled the beans on the Russian connection between the Podesta Group ( Hillary's campaign managers ) Paul Manafort, and a slew of shadowy Russian figures, buying access to the Clintons. Apparently it worked well. The Russians were able to acquire 20% of the Uranium belonging to the United States, and the Clintons ended up at least 150 million dollars richer. It even goes deeper, involving the former President, Barrack Hussein Obama, and his Justice Department headed up by the infamous Erick Holder. Even the FBI is tainted in this as they were aware of all of these shenanigans going on.

Also in the news today, the now famous Trump Dossier. Remember is was designed to destroy candidate Trump, but almost instantly, it was proven to be total hogwash. It came from a firm called Fusion GPS. Up until today, nobody knew who paid for that false document to be produced. We now know that the document was purchased by none other than the DNC.

What is absolutely amazing, is that the legions of main stream investigative reporters never saw any of this and it was right under their collective noses. Why? Because they were so blinded by their hate for President Trump they would have never uncovered it. It didn't fit their left leaning agenda, and the story they were trying so desperately to promote.

This is the looming question. Will the Republican congressional committees do their job and see that these perps get what's coming to them? I have been horribly disappointed in the past by their lackluster performance in such matters. It might be in our best interest to give our congress men and women a call and tell them to "man up" and do what we expect them to do. UPHOLD THE LAW!!


Sunday, October 22, 2017


A couple of articles back I hammered people and their infernal cell phones. I must admit I am an avid cell phone user, but draw the line when driving ( most of the time ). If I get a call while driving with my wife, I will hand her the phone to answer. If I am driving alone, and a call comes in that I think is important, I sometimes answer and tell the person I am driving and will call them back shortly. I just got a new cell phone that will do that for me, when I get around to setting it up, so I really don't have a good excuse for doing that anymore.

Let's be honest about this whole thing. Cell phone use, for most of us, is clearly an addiction. We don't need to be available every single minute of the day and most of the night. We grossly overestimate our importance. It wasn't that long ago that people went for long periods of time without any means of being contacted. When I was younger, I drove all across this nation without a cell phone. If I needed to call someone I waited until I had access to a pay phone. Nowadays, I would be absolutely terrified, to think about driving to the next city, without my cell phone . Admittedly cell phones make traveling much safer if you don't use them while driving.

I just finished reading a Bloomberg News article written by Kyle Stock, Lance Lambert, and David Ingold. These guys did a fabulous article on this subject called, " Smartphones are killing Americans and nobody's counting". Their research indicates, that this problem is much larger than anyone thinks.
In their writings they cite the work of safety advocate Jennifer Smith, whose Mom was killed by a motorist that blew through a red light while talking on his cell phone. She says, that she thinks that the real number of fatalities tied to cell phone use, is at least three times what the Feds say it is.

Some of the biggest indicators, that cell phones are deadly, are in the data itself. In more than half of the fatal crashes in 2015, motorists were driving straight down the road, mowing down pedestrians, and bicyclists who share the roads with cars. Even killing pedestrians on sidewalks at an unheard of rate. Fatalities increased inordinately among motorcyclists ( up 6.2% in 2016 ) and pedestrians up 9% in same period.

Cell phone use while driving is absolutely as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. For some reason the same people that would never consider drinking and driving, will use a cell phone while driving and never give it a second thought. I will say this; and I am speaking to myself as well, using a cell phone while driving, is a totally selfish and inconsiderate act. If you are guilty of it, you need to stop doing it before you regret it. You can't un-kill someone.


Friday, October 20, 2017


I have hesitated to write about this due to total lack of knowledge about how and why it happened. I don't think anyone in history has ever done such a heinous act without an apparent motive or leaving some sort of manifesto. Steven Paddock, from all accounts of those who knew him, would have been the last guy to commit such an act. During one of the LVPD briefings, Chief Lombardo expressed his disbelief that Paddock could have transported all of that weaponry to the 32nd floor without some sort of assistance. Immediately, I thought, have you not watched the footage from the surveillance cameras? That should have given them the answer to that question. However, it appears that the hotel doesn't have security cameras in the corridors. In today's world, that's really dumb. Then my next thought is they must have security cameras in the elevators. It turns out that Mandalay Bay allowed Steven Paddock to use the freight elevator without a hotel employee present. Another really dumb move. So I have to assume from what I just told you, there is no footage of Paddock moving his arsenal onto the 32nd floor.

Next big mistake by the hotel is to let Paddock refuse maid service indefinitely. After three days all sort of red flags should have been raised. Then the Sherriff goes on live TV and announces the time line of events. That turns out to be incorrect, and is modified an additional three to four times. Then in the aftermath, Jesus Campos the hotel security officer, is credited with interrupting the shooter, and in the process, getting wounded himself. If that was actually the case, he should be credited with saving a lot of lives. That turns out to be incorrect and apparently he was wounded before the shooter began firing on the crowd below. This is where the time line and series of events begins to get very cloudy.

Next big event is that Campos is scheduled to go on live TV, with several news organizations including Sean Hannity, of Fox News. He never showed up, and disappeared for over a week. It seemed no one knew where he was. Then out of nowhere he shows up on the Ellen DeGeneres show of all places. This has everyone scratching their heads.

It turns out that MGM and Mandalay Bay Hotel are major sponsors of Ellen DeGeneres. They have "Ellen" slot machines in the casino. MGM is so far down the tubes on this it ain't funny. Their virtual lack of security, and loose occupancy rules, weigh heavily in Steven Paddock being able to pull off this horrible deed undetected. Trotting Campos out on the Ellen DeGeneres show and doing a "softball" interview was an effort to mitigate damages, nothing more nothing less. There is so much money at stake here it is mind boggling. The lawsuits could end up being in the billions of dollars. MGM is not in a good position, so look for more maneuvers to conceal facts.

In the meantime, the public sorely wants to know what the hell happened. Families of the deceased and wounded want to know what the hell happened. In reality I'm not sure we ever will, considering all of the circumstances and money at stake. It's a sad day in many, many ways. God Bless all of the people that were killed or inured that fateful night.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017


There is nothing I like better than a good conspiracy theory, especially if you can see certain things that make you say, hey, that might be true. Well boys and girls I have one for you to think about.

What do politicians and political parties love more than absolute power? that's right, absolutely nothing. Why do you think governments like gun control? Because unarmed masses are much easier to control. An uprising of unarmed people is easily controlled by an armed militia. How smart do you have to be to understand such a basic concept? Remember all of those hapless Jews being loaded into railroad cars headed for the gas chambers. They were being controlled by a handful of soldiers with guns. Obviously, a lot of people don't get it. Just remember the words of Benjamin Franklin who said, "people who give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty or safety".

This is what I want you to think about. The only thing that stands between the populace of the United States and tyranny is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. How did you know that those two documents even existed? If you had not been taught about these documents in school, how would you have known about them. The point is, you wouldn't! If you wanted to take over the United States and turn it into another socialist cesspool, the best place to start would be to dumb down the educational system and start moving away from teaching about Freedom and Liberty, and our rights to be a free people. We are getting much closer to that than you think. There are guys like Watters, and Dice, walking around on the streets and college campuses, asking basic questions about our National History, and why we celebrate Independence Day, among other things. A huge percentage have no clue. There are politicians who actually think the Constitution and Bill of rights are outdated and have little or no meaning in todays world. The documents stand in their way of domination.

All of us old folks who were brought up to love our country and flag, and stood ready to give our life it their defense are slowly dying off. So if they continue dumbing down our students year after year, and allowing an unmitigated flow of poorly educated immigrants into our nation, eventually no one will give a rip about those two wonderful documents. I will submit to you if this trend does not change, that by 2050 this country will be a gun free, socialist cesspool. Personal freedom and Liberty will cease to exist. If you want your children and their children, and beyond to inherit this wonderful Nation and it's freedom, don't let this happen. Tear down the liberal agendas being put forth in our schools and universities, and control immigration. It's that simple.


Saturday, October 14, 2017


While perusing the news pages this morning these burning questions kept coming into my mind.

Why did it take so bloody long for Harvey Weinstein to be called out? Shameful!!

Why is anyone surprised by the rampant immorality abounding in Hollywood?

Why is Larry Flynt back in the news offering 10M for dirt on Trump. Larry Flynt is a dirtbag.

Why is Jane Fonda all over the news lately? She is totally irrelevant by any measure.

Why is Hillary Clinton still hanging around? She is desperately trying to hang on by any means possible. She is once again proving herself to be a liar, trying to act surprised by the Weinstein story.

Why would anyone read a book about why Hillary lost the election? If you were awake and alert during the presidential election you know why she lost. She's not the brightest light in the room.

Why can't Bob Corker shut the hell up?

Why would anyone care that Demi Moore is dating women?

Why hasn't CNN or MSNBC hired Jimmy Kimmel?  He's no longer funny.

Why is Mitch McConnell the Senate Leader, when he has zero leadership abilities?

Why are people still watching the NFL games? Let 'em go down in flames!!

Why can't they match the number of wieners in a package with the number of buns in a package?

Why do the Democrats court socialism when it's proven to be a failure over and over?

I have thousands more " Whys " but I'll save some of them for later. Share some of yours in the comment section below. I would love to see them.


Thursday, October 12, 2017


I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and it became even more prominent in my mind today watching the left going bonkers over Columbus Day. You know this is not going to bode well with Italians. Columbus is their guy and this is going piss them off. What if they revoke everyone's right to make pizza. This could get really ugly. Seriously, think about what you have seen going on lately.

This is what I imagine a leftist USA would look like;

1. No historical monuments anywhere. Heaven forbid that someone may be offended by one of them.

2. Washington D.C. completely demolished, all historical buildings replaced by very modern looking structures devoid of any architectural features that may offend someone in the future. Besides, many of the old buildings were built with slave labor. ( According to the Black Caucus )

3. The names of all highways and roads replaced with numbers so as not to mention the name of any of our white forefathers or recent leaders such as governors or statesmen.

4. All public buildings stripped of names that may have evidence of gender.

5. All evidence of European Colonialism must be removed and forever banned from view. All history books must be destroyed and rewritten to exclude references to Europeans, describing how and when they got here. Plymouth Rock should be made into gravel.

6. All sports involving the use of animals such as horse racing, rodeos, dog sled races, and other such sports must stop immediately, as the animals are being exploited and abused. All animals in zoos and animal preserves must be released back into the wild where they belong. If you end up with a lions den on the vacant lot next to your house, deal with it. There will be special courts set up with animal defenders, to plead cases for animals that have been somehow harmed.

7. Cutting of trees will be strictly forbidden. All future buildings will be made from human and animal dung, recycled Nike basketball shoes, and Prius parts.

8. There will be no more fossil fuel electrical generating plants. All power will come from wind and solar. If it is a cold winter sunless day, with no wind, you're SOL. Start burning your old history books. You won't even be able to rely on the trusty old Hydro Electric Dams, they were all torn down to save the salmon, which were eventually eaten into extinction by sea lions, that were unlawful to kill. Yep, winters will be long, cold and dark. Oh well!!

9. Clothing will be less expensive. All gender specific clothing will be banned. Male, females and all other countless genders will dress in identical clothing that contain no animal products. There will only be a few variations of design to prevent class envy and humiliation of those less fortunate. Oh yeah, everybody has the same haircut. No gender specific hair styles.

10. Private automobile ownership will not exist. The government will provide all transportation which will be environmentally friendly. Each seat in the public transportation vehicles will be equipped with a set of pedals. If you're the only one on the bus, you're SOL.

11. All law enforcement agencies and guns will no longer exist. ANTIFA will be in charge of beating everyone into submission that doesn't comply with the communal tribal laws. You won't be able to record the beatings because you won't be allowed to own a cell phone, they were found to be environmentally unfriendly. Welcome to the leftist future. Enjoy your cold veggie burger and warm beer.



Monday, October 2, 2017


If you are one of those unfortunate folks that can't stay away from your computer, or your phone, or your television for more than a few minutes I feel very bad for you.

MOBILE PHONES: I see males and females of younger ages in great numbers, that literally can't put their phones down long enough to do ordinary tasks like order their food at fast food joints. We actually have a restaurant in my area that has a sign telling people to get off their phones before reaching the order desk. I have seen people on their phones make the workers on the order counter wait for them to finish the text or conversations before placing their order, and there are people in line behind them. Cell phone users are probably among the rudest people in the world. They wander around stores with their heads down gazing at their phone totally oblivious to what is happening around them, falling over things, running into other shoppers, or just plain standing in the way. I was in a Chipotles store a few weeks ago, the store ran out of plastic forks. Two teenage girls took videos of the empty fork container??? I see youngsters with phones recording virtually everything they do, everywhere they go. Whatever makes them think they are that important? In my state it is against the law to even be holding your phone while driving. For cops that has to be the easiest bust ever. All you have to do is watch the cars sitting at a traffic signal. Almost every time, one car in the line will be oblivious that the light has changed to green, and the driver is staring at his crotch. How easy is that?

SOCIAL MEDIA: This seems to be the place where those pictures of empty fork containers show up. It's also the place where you find out your neighbor is suffering from constipation, or their soul mate dumped them for the local cross dresser. You also may find out that the really nice person that you talk to at the local market, is actually some sort of raging lunatic. Now you have to find a way to avoid that person in the future or find a new place to shop. Who the hell wants to be killed in the produce department? Another thing, I think probably at least 80% of the pictures of people engaging in what appears to be really fun stuff, are posted to irritate someone they hate, saying "look at me, I can have just as much fun without you".

24-7 NEWS: Do we really need this much news? Think about it. Most major news events ( unless it's a full blown war ) take place in a very short time span. The news stations talk about it for days, bringing in experts from every corner of the earth while they run the same stupid videos over and over on an endless loop. God help you if it has a political angle, then you get a mix of experts and non experts ( aka politicians ).  Then often times the story just goes away, and you never hear another word. A year goes by and you ask your friend, whatever happened to that guy that killed twenty five goats and an alligator in three hours. Nobody ever knows, it's like it never happened. So how do you find out? You hear the guys estranged brother-in-law talking about it on Facebook.

People, it's all a bunch of crap. It's all about making millions of dollars doing something that for most part, is practically useless. But there is one thing it does for sure, it keeps hate and animosity alive. It pisses people off really bad, that sort of like to be pissed off in the first place. And, it reinforces the hate that people had in the first place, for whatever it was that they hated. So, if you enjoy being a total dumbass, keep all of these things deeply embedded in your everyday life, and forget what it really means to be alive, which is loving people, animals, families, and enjoying God's creation without a damned cell phone in your hand. Cheers.