Friday, September 29, 2017


I don't think it would surprise any of my readers that I watch a lot of news, on the Fox News Channel. However, I keep my finger on the pulse of other outlets as well, but considerably less than good ol' Fox. The polls are saying more and more people are thinking that our nation is coming apart at the seams. The folks at Fox are echoing that as well. I've been thinking about this for awhile now, watching the tensions increase among rival schools of thought. So I may have been a little ahead of the curve.

We went through periods like this in the sixties and early 70's. I remember, it got pretty darned intense. There were massive demonstrations at Berkley, and UC Santa Barbara. Anti war demonstrations, and of course the big one at the 1968 Chicago National Democratic Convention. That one makes Charlottesville look small time. Then there was the Weather Underground of which Bill Ayres was a member ( Barrack Obama's buddy ), and the Symbionese Liberation Army that had a massive shootout with the Los Angeles Police Dept. That one did not end well for the Symbionese folks. Somehow Patty Hurst escaped with her life. The Universities around the nation were breeding grounds for some pretty crazy left wing organizations. The National Guard even fired on demonstrators at Kent State with live ammo killing several of them, one of my dearest friends was there that day and witnessed it. Last but not least, the infamous Watts Riot in 1965 that was started when the police were making an arrest and things got very much out of control. The carnage from that was incredible, and I'm sure it was under reported. I was working nights at the edge of Watts, and I rode out of the area that night on my trusty motorcycle. One night during the height of the riots, I took my family up to Mt. Wilson observatory, from there you can see the entire L.A. Basin. It literally looked as if someone had cut a big hole out of Los Angeles as there was no power in that area.

We seem to be going through another period of dissent among college students, but this time it seems to be a bit different. During the 60's and 70's the dissenters were more like small bands of soldiers involved in guerilla tactics, utilizing firearms and bombs. Bill Ayres and the Weathermen were prolific bombers, not to mention the Symbionese Liberation Front that shot it out with the LAPD. The dissenters of this generation, although exhibiting some level of violence, seem more intent to kill free speech. I'm sure they feel if they are successful, it will make it very easy to conquer and wipe out conservatism once and for all. No matter what the motives were, or are, they have one thing in common, they are being born on the campuses of this nations colleges and universities. Our institutions of higher learning seem to be incubators of craziness. Does a higher education somehow make people more prone to become perfidious. If that's the case, that makes our colleges and universities a threat to our National Security and they deserve closer scrutiny.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Taking a knee during the National Anthem has become somewhat viral. I saw pictures earlier this week of Pee Wee football players in Detroit, probably seven years of age, taking a knee along with their coaches. They just happened to be all black of course. By the way, what a great example the half witted adults are setting for these kids, whose main concern at this point in life is how they are going to their hands on the latest video games. Another one of their concerns of course is how to keep from getting killed by stray bullets from drive by gang shootings.

I am a super patriotic American. I love the Stars and Stripes. I love this nation, it is my home, and I will defend it to the end. ( see the bottom of this page ) It ain't perfect, I get it, but it's one hell of a lot better than whatever's in second place. So, when folks start disrespecting the flag and our wonderful Veterans, I start paying attention. A lot of attention. I can tell you without reservation, that I have watched my last NFL game until these assholes come to their senses. I see it is now bleeding over into all of the other major league sports. So, I'm putting everyone on notice that may visit my home in the future. If you come here and want to watch major league sports, forget it. Go to the local sports bar, I'll see you after the game. I'm dead serious, so don't even ask.

Now that I have made my position quite clear, all I have heard from the dim wit athletes is that they are protesting the treatment of blacks in the USA. So, let's think about this for a moment.

1. Black Americans are not restricted from living anywhere they choose.
2. They can attend any school of their choice
3. The education system quite often lowers the bar to allow them and easier path to attend college.
4. When they complete their college education there are Affirmative Action programs to assist them in starting a business.
5. The Federal and State governments have numerous programs to help blacks in pursuit of their careers.
6. Black players are a dominant force in the NFL and NBA
7. Black Americans can be found in every single segment of society doing outstanding jobs in their field of endeavor.
8. 18.1% of Federal employees are black. ( 343,663 to be exact )

I hear the complaint about the police targeting black males. The truth is this; The statistics show that Police arrest violent criminals in very close proportions to the rates at which criminals of different races commit violent crimes. The study found that police bias was negligible.

Every time I have ever witnessed an individual, or group of individuals, with a serious grievance, or grievances, they always seem to have a list of the things that have them pissed. So, where's the list???


Thursday, September 21, 2017


Today while I was busy earning more money to pay my property taxes, so I could stay in my home, yesterday's article kept coming back into my brain. I kept asking myself, why do these things keep happening. I have always believed in statistics to analyze a persistent problem. Well boys and girls, read the statistics I found today, and make up your own minds on why racism exists. When you make up your minds, make sure you charge the correct people with racism.

First, let's analyze the behaviors of different ethnic groups;

High school graduation rates:                  College graduation rates:
Native Americans.......................72%...........N/A

United States demographics:


The information shown below was taken from " The Color of Crime" by Edwin S. Rubenstein, 2016 revised edition.

There are dramatic race differences related to crime rates. Asian is lowest, followed by Whites, then Hispanics. Blacks have the highest crime rates across all categories, and all age groups.

In 2013 a Black was six times more likely to commit a murder than a non Black, 12 times more likely to kill someone of a different race.

In 2013 out of 660,000 crimes of inter-racial violence that involved Blacks and Whites, Blacks initiated the attack 85% of the time. A Black person is 27 times more likely to attack a White person than vice versa. Hispanics, eight times more likely.

In 2014, a New York City Black was 31 times more likely than a White to arrested for murder. Hispanics 12.4 times more likely. In the crime of "shooting" where a person was wounded and not killed, Blacks were 98.4 times more likely than a White, Hispanics 23.6 times more likely.

If New York City was all White, the murder rate would drop by 91%, robbery by 81% and miscellaneous shootings by 97%. An all white Chicago, similar numbers.

Taking all of the information that I just presented to you, wouldn't you be extremely wary if you were a law enforcement officer in a predominately Black area? People, it's not racism, it's not racial profiling, it's called dealing with reality. I didn't write this article to indict all Black people. I wrote it to present the truth about what is happening in the real world. Place the title of Racist where it belongs. I'm not guilty folks.


Wednesday, September 20, 2017


My gawd, there are racists everywhere, they are hiding behind every bush, they're lurking in the shadows, they're hiding in the frozen food section of your grocery store. President Trump wears white pajamas with a pointed hat. There are Nazis and Fascists in the White House. There are bands of white vigilantes roaming the streets of every major city. You may not be aware, but there were over 1,000 cross burnings in Detroit, and several hundred in Chicago last month.

Of course none of this is true. But if you listen to Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison and the Congressional Black Caucus, this is the message they are trying to perpetuate. They are on a mission to demonize every white person alive today. What is really amazing, is that the white idiots in the Democrat Party are going along with it. How utterly stupid can they be?

I'm an old white guy. One of those guys you're supposed to hate. Because somehow, while I was busy trying to keep a roof over my head, feed my family and pay my bills, sometimes working two jobs, I was plotting against people of color, helping to keep them oppressed and down trodden. Yep, that was me. These are the cold hard facts people; I have been involved in management most of my life, I have hired and fired a lot of folks, all races, all colors and nationalities. I can honestly tell you that I have never witnessed any form of racism in my lifetime, perpetrated by a white person or persons. Do white guys tell racist jokes? Of course. Telling a joke is a lot different than keeping someone from earning a living for their family because of their skin color. I have been in the work force going on 60 years, in four states, I have never seen that happen, period. There is another thing I can tell you with certainty, stupidity comes in all colors.

I have an opinion of what Black people call racism. Have you noticed how many blacks, even major sports stars and entertainers say that racism is everywhere. What I am about to say is common knowledge. Black neighborhoods in the inner cities are very dangerous places. Almost any, all black community is dangerous. Blacks readily admit this. The crime rate among African Americans is way out of control. The percentage of traditional mother/father families is very low. Seventy percent of black children are born to single women, and because of that they are hopelessly trapped in poverty. Public schools in black communities are horrible. The teachers take their lives into their own hands working in these schools. Nobody seems to have an answer on how to fix this never ending problem. The day to day misery brought about by irresponsible behavior, and the lack of leadership in the black communities, perpetuate an atmosphere of hopelessness. And that my friends, is what I think is misinterpreted as racism by the folks caught up in this never ending nightmare. They can only assume that some unseen force is behind it. They are simply unable to see the truth.

Oh, and by the way, most voting Blacks are registered Democrats. Strangely, I can't remember any Democrat politician, or the Democrat Party, seriously addressing this problem. I have never seen a comprehensive policy put forth by a Democrat to alleviate the suffering. The only time they address it is when they are running for re-election.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017


When you read the title of this post I'm sure you were scratching your head. Actually the two are not really connected, but both are equally bizarre.

THE EMMYS: This is another one of those Hollywood Award shows that most Americans would never miss, if last weeks show just happened to the last one. It's about as exciting as watching the grass grow. As far as the female participants go, it's pretty much a contest of who can show the most skin, while exhibiting a total lack of intelligence. It's pretty clear that their "boobs" are incredibly larger than their brains. While the guys don't expose a lot of skin, they do expose the fact that they are total idiots as well.

There is not one individual opinion or thought among the whole damn group. They are spineless "sheeple". How do I know that? Because all night long it was a parade of copycat speeches, bashing President Trump. What do you think would have happened if one of them had stood at the mike and said;  "We need to stop making all of these divisive statements, give the President a chance, and start the healing process. We need to bring Americans together again as one nation"?  That person would have been run out of Hollywood, and their career would have been officially over. They would have been the most hated person in the world. Oh, wait a minute, aren't the folks in Hollywood always talking about how wrong it is to hate someone?

The people in the Hollywood crowd are nothing more than a bunch of self seeking, self aggrandizing, egotistical morons. I'm always amazed that they are constantly preaching to the world about environmental, and political issues while buzzing around the world on their private jets and yachts, doing absolutely nothing for anyone other than themselves. You're entertainers, nothing more, shut up and dance.

EUROPEAN UNION: What is going on in the European Union is a complete mystery to me. As much as I try, I can't make any sense of it. Europe and England are the birthplace of the great civilizations. Great architectural masterpieces, literature, theater, and most of all, laws and court systems that are very similar to what we have today. It is the birthplace of ballet and great symphonies. It was the home to some of the worlds greatest artists. So, why are the European political leaders turning their nations over to Arabs, who have absolutely nothing in common with the Europeans? The real truth is, that the Islamic faith hates everything about Europe and it's culture.

It is also a well known fact, that when Islam becomes the dominant force, the first thing they do is destroy all signs of the former civilizations, their monuments and buildings as if they never existed. They also set about killing everyone that is not Arab or Muslim. All of that said, I can't imagine what the leaders of the European Union think they stand to gain from literally handing over their countries to these barbarians. They are already engaged in murdering Europeans and Brits in the streets, in the largest number possible, anyway they can. There is a place to leave your comment at the bottom of this page. If you have an explanation as to why anyone with an intelligence level higher than a grape would do this, I really want to hear it. 


Monday, September 11, 2017


BODY SHAMERS: I am always highly amused by pictures of celebrities with a caption claiming that they are being body shamed. Boys and girls, anytime you have a lot of money and fame, a certain number of people are going to hate just for those two reasons. Based on that, what do think is going to happen when you appear in a photo or in public, half naked. All of those people who hate you are going to poke fun at any imperfection you have, no matter how small.

Firstly, why does anyone care what the body shamers say? Secondly, who are these body shamers and what are their credentials, to make statements about what's perfect and what is not? People, it's just totally unimportant crap, and this is why; I've been on this planet over 3/4 of a century. I have yet to see anyone with a perfect body. I've seen some that are close, but never perfect. You know why? Because human beings are never perfect. The human body always has some sort of imperfection.
Here's what I think; I think anybody that body shames should be required to post their pictures in their underwear, in the bright noon day sun, for everyone to see and judge.

DACA AND THE DREAMERS: If you were brought into a foreign country by your parents as a very small child it's pretty clear to me that you didn't have any choice in the matter. In reality what should have happened, is that the parents and the children should have been deported back to their home country. The parents broke the law, period. But, nobody did that. Our lame brain lawmakers are great at making laws, but terrible when it comes to enforcing them. It's pretty clear they only do what makes them look good, and makes it more likely they will be re-elected. Neither the right or the left has ever had the initiative to enforce immigration laws. The politicians are more interested in building up a voter base than protecting the sovereignty of America. My feeling is, that because these young people were victims of circumstance, they should be given some sort of path to citizenship. However it shouldn't be an easy path, they need to realize how fortunate they are to be in the U.S.A.
 I don't think they do at the moment. I see them waving signs of protest against the President and the government, and I'm seeing far more Mexican flags than American Flags being waved. It would make me feel a lot better about these people, if they were at least showing some sort of Patriotism and love for the USA. Oh and by the way, the left is now espousing that the dreamers are serving in the military. Don't be fooled by that line, a little less than one percent of 800,000 have joined the armed services. Botta Book, Botta Boom.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017


This has become a very hot issue as of late, and if you really look closely you will see that it has a large number of facets. I don't profess to be an expert on this by any means, but I do have some very strong feelings about it.

I have strong feelings about immigration because I believe in the absolute sovereignty of the United States of America. I believe in borders, language and culture. If there are no borders, and no enforcement of borders, there are essentially no laws. Stop and think about that for a moment. It is as simple as the property line around your place of residence. You consider everything inside that property line as belonging to you. You take measures to insure that, by putting up fences, security devices, perhaps even a guard dog. When you retire for the evening, you lock your door and make sure the house is secure. Some of you will even keep loaded firearms to thwart a burglar or worse. When you do all of those things, in reality you have created a scaled down version of the USA. You would not take it lightly if strangers started moving onto your property, and started living there uninvited. The first thing that would come to your mind, is ridding your property of the uninvited strangers, and maybe even building wall to keep them out in the future.

The United States of America belongs to it's legal citizens. It is our property, because it is our natural home. We were born here under it's laws. If you immigrated here legally, it is just as much yours as if you were born here. If you are not here legally, you don't own any part of it, and you have no lawful rights to be here period!! I see protestors carrying signs saying " there is no such thing as an illegal person". I really can't argue with that statement, but there is such a thing as an illegal resident. 

One of the arguments I hear constantly is about our broken immigration system. I hear people say this but they never explain why or how it's broken. It's really nothing more than a catch phrase because they have no idea what the hell they're talking about. The only thing that's broken about our immigration system is that it isn't being enforced. The lefties don't want an immigration system, they don't even want borders. In their strange and demented thought processes, they imagine a world where people are free to roam about at will. That doesn't seem to working out to well for Europe. There are a lot of really bad actors in this world that would love nothing more, than to see the lefties have their way and do away with our borders. It would be a very short time indeed, until life as you know it would disappear forever.

So, you have to ask yourself a number of questions. Why does the left feel this way. Do they simply hate the United States? It is after all the country they reside in as well. If they succeed in destroying it, are they moving somewhere else? Because life here will suck. No, I don't think it's any of that. I think they have been steeped in in the stupidity of ideology for so long, they can't see the utter danger and impending chaos that would result from a nation without borders. Very sad indeed. Our immigration system isn't broken, but our political system is. We have a government that is filled with self serving individuals that are willing to sell their souls to be re-elected, and no longer give a rip about the Republic or it's citizens.