Monday, June 12, 2017


Funk & Wagnalls Standard Encyclopedic Dictionary:
Bully...A swaggering quarrelsome, usually cowardly person who terrorizes weaker people. - .lied, lying v.t. 1. To intimidate or coerce by threats. -

Over the past several years, the liberals have mounted a major campaign against bullying. I lay this at the feet of the liberals because it's coming from the educational institutions which the liberals have almost complete control. Please don't misunderstand, I do not condone bullying in any form. That said bullying is as old as mankind itself. Some would say, that standing up to the bully makes you a stronger person, and gives you a new level of self confidence. If that is true, then perhaps the bully plays an important part in your development. Sadly however, not all people are capable of fighting back and suffer horrendous psychological damage, sometime even to the point of suicide. It is  always the goal of the bully to terrorize you into submission, to take away your desire to resist.

Bullying isn't always physical. It can be totally psychological, which leaves no outward signs of abuse. The results are the same, to make you 100% submissive and compliant. I will submit to you that the mainstream media is currently engaging in psychological bullying, and its cohorts are the Democratic party. It is a two pronged assault, the Democrats in Washington D.C., espousing never ending charges of improprieties and investigations, and the mainstream media spewing a never ending negative image of the Trump Administration reporting all of the liberal antics as if they are gospel.

Unfortunately, the average person is consumed with trying to earn a living, keep a roof over their heads, and manage their families. If they're lucky, have a weekend vacation. At the end of their day, sit down and watch the local news, perhaps followed up with the national news from one of the mainstream news outlets. Every day, they hear the same negative diatribe, Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, yada, yada, yada, the list goes on and on. After this is pounded into their heads everyday by the journalistic bullies, it slowly becomes "gospel" among the average folks. They assume, if they hear it everyday, it must be true. That my friends is how you drive the polling data into the basement, and weaken the President. And it's all based on lies and innuendos. You don't need facts, you don't need credible sources, you just need to keep hammering people into submission with fake news. Plain and simple psychological bulling.

The sad thing about all of this, even if you aren't a Trump supporter, you're an American. All of this is doing tremendous harm to America. It needs to stop. So, start standing up to the bullies. Call and/or write to the sponsors of the mainstream media news programs and voice your displeasure about the lies and deception. You can help make America Great Again.   

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