Thursday, June 8, 2017


I'm not even sure where to start on this subject. The stupidity is as vast as the Pacific Ocean. Of course I am referring to the Russian collusion conspiracy. Tucker Carlson said, it has made him so paranoid, that he is now checking under his bed for Macedonians. The whole world of liberalism is now gripped with mass hysteria. The liberals were literally on the edge of their seats, waiting for today, to hear James Comey confirm, that not only did the Russians help Donald Trump throw the election, they are also responsible for the rising prices of breakfast cereal. I'm sure you've heard by now, that the Russians are building a huge military base in the arctic. I think they may be responsible for the polar ice caps melting. Think about all of those Russian military people drinking vodka and the peeing on the ice. Hey, it could happen.

Supposedly, President Trump called James Comey a "nut job" a few weeks ago. After watching Comey testify today I would say Mr. Trump is a pretty damn good judge of character. This is a guy who is 6'-8", tall and has been a prominent attorney for years, and held several prestigious jobs in government. During the testimony he makes statements that allude to personal weakness, and not being able to make on the spot decisions, and being nervous in the presence of the President. He also admitted to leaking information to the press through a proxy, to force the appointment of a special counsel. Make no mistake about it, that little trick was pure retaliation for being fired. Think about all of that, and tell me with a straight face, that this guy deserved to be the head of the FBI. Oh, wait a minute, I just remembered he was appointed by Barrack H. Obama. Now, it makes more sense. If you operate like Barrack Obama, Eric Holder, and Loretta Lynch, you want an FBI director with no spine.

 I wouldn't expect the Dems to give up on this Russian stuff. What else do they have? The whole party has turned into a circular firing squad. Bill Maher said Hillary "should go back into the woods". The head of the DNC is a total whack job, he makes Debbie Wasserman Schultz look normal. They have no coherent message that I have heard, other than constantly espousing that the Russians are coming, and may have already taken over your local dollar store. But the scariest thing of all, is that Howard Dean is re-emerging. I always thought he could be that Halloween guy in the hockey mask.

I am seriously starting to worry about the damage that the liberals are doing to our country. Very soon, I am going to discuss the changes that I am seeing in our society, and ask you to make your own observations, then let me know what you think.

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