Friday, June 2, 2017


I read about this quite some time ago after Dufus Obama signed it. I was blown away as to why anyone would do such a thing, at least anyone with 35% of a functioning brain. Again, another liberal genius giving away the farm and getting nothing in return. Well, actually he and the Democrat party got kudos for saving the planet, for a huge amount of money that was going to be supplied by, that's right, you and me. The good ol' taxpayer. Make no mistake about this, it is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from the United States to a bunch of third world bozos, in an effort by the political elite to "level the playing field". We keep working like hamsters running in one of those little wire wheels, while the dumbass liberals squander the money without giving it a second thought. If you don't know the details of this agreement, I urge you to read it. After reading it, you will appreciate the courage and patriotism of President Donald J. Trump.
It's pretty obvious what is going on here. It's an all out effort to de-legitimize the Trump Presidency. The Democrats feel that if they can create a huge illusion, that somehow Russia and the Trump candidacy colluded to rig the election, they can nullify and paralyze his administration. If there really was some sort of collusion, don't you think you would have known about it by now? After all, people in Washington D.C. are not exactly known for their ability to keep secrets. Vladimir Putin told Megyn Kelly in effect, that the whole thing is ludicrous, and everyone needs to shut up. We're back to that 35% of a functioning brain thing. If you believe the collusion crap, you probably have less than 35% of a functioning brain. It's just Washington politicians wasting their time, and your money, on  totally meaningless Bull---t.

The epitome of a totally irrelevant individual, in a desperate effort to reverse her irrelevancy.

The epitome of a totally irrelevant individual, in a desperate effort to reverse her irrelevancy.

Talks a lot and say's absolutely nothing with any substance. Pretty much like her Mom.

The "Three Stooges" all rolled into one, with the corresponding appearance.

I wonder how it feels to watch the guy you belittled at the Correspondents Dinner, totally dismantle all three of your accomplishments.

She told us how she felt about the guy her husband belittled at the Correspondents Dinner, dismantling her school lunch program. The kids are happy, they hated that crap.

Donald Trump had this guy "dead to right", he can't even negotiate to buy a baseball team.

If she was your Mom, you would take her drivers license away from her and hide her car keys. I wonder if she lives with someone that watches her to make sure she doesn't wander away. You have to wonder about the people in her congressional district that keep electing her, it must really be a special place.

The quintessential worthless politician that produces nothing. The only thing he knows how to do is oppose anything and everything the Republicans propose. Great plan Chuck, you don't have to strain what little brains you actually have. Went to acting school as a kid, to learn how to cry when he needs to appear that he actually cares about something. It's not hard to figure out why his niece is a whack job.

He's been pretending to be a Republican for so many years he may actually start to believe it. It won't be hard to recognize if it happens.

Hands down, the best damned attorney I have ever seen or heard. The Democrats must absolutely shake in their boots when they have to appear before him. But what is going on with his hair?

The best novelist on the planet could not possibly create a more bizarre character. He could not be more perfect for California. This is where Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Barbara Boxter come from. The city of San Francisco is there. If they secede from the Union as they have threatened, they need to build a padded wall around the entire state.

The fact that the United States of America continues to exist with these wacko's running it, can only be attributed to the Grace of God. Put up a good fight for the right. Help restore America.


1 comment:

  1. Ben very good write up I enjoyed it and agree. I hope the Donald can keep going in the right direction so far not bad except for his support of Israel which I do not support. If you want to know why ask me some time.
