Tuesday, June 6, 2017


I was attending high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma when the schools were de-segregated. There were a few rabble rousers that picked fights with the black kids on the first few days, but the violence was minor and only lasted a short time. It was probably pretty terrifying for the black kids as they were hugely outnumbered. Life returned to normal and everyone went about their business.

I remember the horrible things that happened to blacks and whites that were fighting for the rights of the black people to move into main stream America. It was a difficult time for all, a huge period of adjustment. The fight had been won. Blacks were finally able to sit where they wanted on public transport, eat where they pleased, and were able to walk proudly. I was happy for that. Even though I was raised in a racially charged location, I was happy to see the oppression come to and end. Or at least the oppression was suppressed.

While watching the news tonight, they reported on a Black Lives Matter gathering, at which the organizers would not allow anyone to attend that wasn't black. At Evergreen State College in Washington State, the black students are demanding that all white people leave the campus for one day. No one is allowed on campus that is not black. There are more and more reports that young black people are wanting blacks only spaces, excluding all other races. This is absolutely disrespectful to Dr. Martin Luther King and all of the other people, both black and white that were beaten and murdered, for the rights of blacks, and all other ethnicities, to take their rightful place in society.

The irony in all of this, is that the KKK were southern Democrats. The Republicans have always been  champions for the rights of blacks. These young people that are clamoring for segregation and espousing hatred for white people are ultra liberal Democrats. It looks like they have come home to their roots.


1 comment:

  1. On 05/17/17, we celebrated the 63rd anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. To me, the point of your blog is to show how leftism destroys everything it touches. Another example is Harvard allowed a “black only” graduation ceremony this year.
