Saturday, June 24, 2017


I've been thinking a lot lately, about what we have witnessed over the past year or so, and frankly, I am having a problem comprehending a lot of what I've seen.

Assault on Police Officers; Police will respond to your calls of distress regardless of your race, creed, or religious beliefs. They will, and do every day, risk their own lives to save yours. They have been charged with the duty to keep craziness contained, so others don't get hurt. I completely understand that craziness comes in all races, all ages, and both genders. ( sorry, regardless of what you hear on network TV, there are only two genders ) When police arrest some crazy person in a white neighborhood, everyone is happy, and is glad the police arrested them. When police arrest some crazy black person in a black neighborhood, they want to kill the police, even though the crazy guy just created holy mayhem for the past four hours and sent five people to the hospital. Police officers are the only thing that stands between you, and total anarchy.

Property Destruction: Before and after Donald Trump becoming the 45th President, the alt lefties were out in the streets, burning cars, buildings, mail boxes, newspaper boxes, trash cans, basically anything that was combustible. Breaking windows in buildings, cars, trucks, busses or whatever you can break or destroy with a metal pipe, or baseball bat. In some cases assaulting other humans that had suspicious clothing, that indicated they were supporting the other side. This is probably the most perplexing to me. What exactly did that accomplish? What was the message other than "we're suffering from arrested development, and we're pissed". I may be having a comprehension problem, the message I got, is that these people are a bunch of hooligans that just want an excuse to destroy stuff and hurt other people. I doubt if any of them are capable of forming a sentence longer than five words, and 90% of those words are only four letters. They probably just got bored with their X Box games their parents bought them. I'm sorry, I just can't seem to find a coherent message here.

Black Lives Matter; I believe this organization was created purely for political reasons by the left, to secure the black vote, ahead of a Presidential election. It's pretty darned obvious this organization promotes racial hatred against whites. Creating a group that promotes hatred against another race hardly seems like the way to win elections. It would make more sense to me, to get as many in your tent as possible. Sorry, I don't get it.

Main Stream Media; When your organization depends on ratings, why would you alienate 50% of your audience right out of the gate, playing only to one side? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I can tell you from my personal experience, that our local NBC affiliate TV news show, leans so far left, I refuse to watch it. The local CBS news show is a little less biased, but not much. ABC about the same. The local FOX news is better than the other three, but still not great. A few weeks ago, several right leaning groups organized a rally in Portland. Mayor Wheeler, an avowed leftie, tried to stop it, but to his dismay it happened anyway. The local anarchists, and Antifa showed up ready for a showdown. The police made numerous arrests, and confiscated some very dangerous homemade weaponry. The local news reported on the confiscated weaponry and arrests, but neglected to tell you it was from the lefties. They lead you to believe that both sides were involved, and it wasn't true. So, if you bill yourself as a news organization, your duty is to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If you do anything less, you're liars.

It's becoming more and more difficult to keep up with all of the leftie fringe groups, and trying to discern who they hate and why. The Democrat party is becoming a series of tribal like entities. They need to change the DNC name, to Democratic National Tribal Council.


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