Friday, June 30, 2017


President Trump: I find it hilarious listening to all of these people acting horrified that the President of the United States acts like a normal everyday person. I was raised in a very Christian manner, but one of the things I was taught, was always difficult, if not impossible, for me to follow. It's that turning the other cheek thing. I really hope God forgives me, but that's a tough rule to follow. So, I totally understand Mr. Trump, when he scorches those who disrespect him. Make no mistake, Donald Trump enjoys every minute of the exchange, it's his hobby. He works very long hours, and accomplishes an amazing amount of tasks in a single day. So what, if he takes ten or fifteen minutes a day to have some fun. He say's things to these people that I would like to say. I like to think of President Trump as my personal spokesperson. One more thing to consider; the people that are using the airwaves to criticize and mock Mr. Trump, are themselves, some of the most vile and despicable  people ever. So if the President's tweeting makes you nervous, lighten up and enjoy it. You are seeing history made before your very eyes.

The Russian Conspiracy Debacle: This has been an absolute boon for all of the unemployed Clinton people. I think there are about nine different investigations going on simultaneously. I'm really surprised that Bill Clinton wasn't selected as a special counsel, oh yeah, he was disbarred. Now it appears that the spotlight has shifted off of Trump and onto Obama, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and don't be surprised if the don't bring Hillary back into the arena for her dealings while she was SOS. This is the perfect example of why I love the saying, "what goes around, comes around". If Will Rogers were only alive today.

Obama Phones: You probably forgot all about Obama Phones, I did. Obama set up a special cell phone service five or six years ago, so that poor and disadvantaged people could have cell phones, thinking it was going help make their lives better somehow. The company that is providing the service has no oversight from the government. So, the more people they sign up, the more money they get from Uncle Sam. So, those strict requirements were, let's say, relaxed a bit, and the company has grown quite large, and the taxpayers are footing the bill. This is just one of thousands of examples, of the government spending our tax dollars, with wanton disregard. This is where I start to get really "pissed off". I have worked in the private sector all of my life, going on 60 years now. I have always paid my taxes in full and on time. If I didn't pay them, they would come after me, no holds barred, like I was Randy Weaver. They would take everything I own, perhaps even incarcerate me. The honest taxpaying working class, are the drone bees of this country, and they squander the money we give them like it's nothing. We're the ones that keep this whole damn thing functioning. Think about that the next time one of these ruling class politicians talks down to you. Feel free to say whatever comes into your mind, then tell them that I approved the message.

Nancy Pelosi: In one of my blogs a few weeks ago, I said if she was your Mom, you would take away her drivers license and hide the keys. Well, I think that's about to happen to Ms.Pelosi. Her loyal followers are about to abandon her, and put her out to pasture.

Celebrate the birth of our Nation next week. In spite of all of our dysfunctional citizens, it's still the best place on earth to live. But, if you can't support your country, feel free to move to the country you do support. I'll help you pack.


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