Tuesday, December 5, 2017


The picture on the right was taken from the Fox
News website, showing Matt Lauer, Ann Curry on the left and Merideth Vieira on the right. The picture was taken at the Friars Roast in the year 2008. These pictures shown on this page were part of a story by Brian Flood of Fox News. It is a must read story. It will give you insights to the people behind their TV masks. There were 1900 people present at this roast, and the content of the presentation was unbelievable. You need to read what took place to understand the people that routinely lecture you and hand out moral judgment. After reading it, you will no longer be able to take these people seriously again. Go to the Fox News website and look up this story by Brian Flood.  I have attached a link to the original article by Tony Ortega of the Village Voice, where you will get a first hand report of the event. one contemporaneous account of the roast, read it and be totally stunned.

Keep in mind, these are all NBC people. Among those in the audience is Donald Trump. Mr. Trump had a very successful show " The Celebrity Apprentice", plus back in those days Donald Trump hung with the Dems. He was considered one of them, one of the family. The infamous Access Hollywood tape of 2005 was safely locked away at NBC in 2008, and it wasn't about to be exposed as long as Mr. Trump was part of the NBC gang. Seven years later Trump defected, and mounted a bid for the presidency under the Republican banner. Suddenly, all of the lefties at NBC turned on him with a vengeance. Later in the race when it was clear that Trump may actually win, someone at NBC pulled the Hollywood Access tape out of the vault and it found it's way to the New York Times.

Why is this important you may ask. It's important because the very people that were expressing moral outrage about what Donald Trump said on the tape, were in that room at the Friars Roast in 2008 and were  participating the filth and vulgarity that made what Donald Trump said look pale in comparison. Bottom line here, the left wing media is vile, corrupt, and full of two faced liars. Also, this is only NBC, if you don't think the other networks aren't mirror images, I have a bridge I would like to sell to you.

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