Friday, December 1, 2017



What an unbelievably sad story. As a father of two daughters, I can't even imagine the horror of having one of them murdered and dying in my arms. Everything is wrong about this. First, if true, they reported the gun was stolen from a BLM officers car. Car break-ins in San Francisco are extremely prevalent with all of the homeless roaming the streets in search of drug money. The stats on this are staggering. So, why would anyone with a brain larger than a gnat's even consider leaving a loaded gun in their car. Stupidity on the highest level.

The "sanctuary city" mind set is so prevalent that even though ICE issued a detainer on killer, Jose Zarate, who was a convicted felon and had entered the US illegally five times previously, the San Francisco Sheriff released him in an act of defiance. In my opinion, the Feds should be seeking charges against the Sheriff in this matter. If a public official went to jail for ten or fifteen years, they might think twice before doing something stupid.

The "open borders" policies of Barrack Obama allowed this guy to pretty much come and go at will. The "sanctuary city" policies of San Francisco and California in general gave the guy complete freedom to break the laws at will with little or no consequences. Illegal Aliens it seems, have way more freedom and rights than you and I. This guy was arrested on felony narcotics violations four times and was still on the streets. I have a friend who's brother was busted on marijuana charges and went to the slammer for 15 years. ( white American citizen ) Go figure.

Jose Zarate, in the country illegally for the fifth time, four time convicted felon, murders a beautiful young American woman in cold blood and walks free. Only in California!

People, this craziness has to stop. Liberal politicians are turning this once beautiful country into a third world hell hole. They are doing it for one reason, to change the voter demographics so they can stay in power. So they can stay in Congress and the State Houses for thirty or forty years, get rich working the system, and do things that the rest of us would be in jail for like assault and rape. Using tax payer dollars to buy off their accusers. The whole thing stinks to the moon. We have to wake up and start getting rid of these bum politicians. Think TERM LIMITS!!! Nobody should be able to stay in office for more than eight years, period.

If all of this doesn't make you seethe with anger, then you must be in a coma or dead.


1 comment:

  1. Ben you are right on but it is more then corrupt leaders. It is Satan at the core. Our fight is two fronts. The obvious evil dupes who have given themselves over to devil worship and make no mistake about it. Many if not most of the people in power have gone to the dark side. and the other is Satan himself who we battle with prayer, speaking up for God, and living honest lives. I encourage you to continue your outrage and also use your channel to fight the the devil worshipers and exposing them as the Good Book challenges all believers to do.
