Thursday, December 7, 2017



Apparently, as far as anyone can tell at the moment, the Mueller team has not discovered any collusion between the candidate Trump and the Russians to alter the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, if that actually ever was  the mission. It now appears, that they knew all along that there was no collusion, because the FBI and the Obama minions managed to get FISA warrants to listen in on Trump Team telephone conversations. It was brought to light today in the Congressional hearings that it is very likely, the FBI used the fake Trump dossier bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, to obtain the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Stop and think about that. The FBI was an agent, acting on the behalf of the Democrat candidate in an attempt to sway the election in her direction. This makes Watergate look like a Frat party.

It gets even deeper. Peter Strzok, FBI special agent, who was very quietly fired by Bob Mueller last summer has ties to Hillary Clinton in unbelievable ways. He was involved in the investigation of her server scandal, watering down the language of the charges that were recited on TV by James Comey. He was present during the interviews with Hillary Clinton's aids, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, by the way, both of them lied during the interview, but no charges were filed. There is now reason to believe, he is the guy that dressed up the fake Trump Dossier and presented it to the FISA Court to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Bob Mueller said the reason he fired him, was that he sent anti Trump tweets to his girlfriend who is also an FBI agent and who has also been involved with Mueller. I'm sorry Bob, but we are smarter than you think, and we know this is much more serious than what you are reporting. By the way, why did it take this long before we knew about it?

Make no mistake about it, this so called Russia probe is a very well orchestrated attempt to unseat a duly elected president by the "deep state".  The FBI and the CIA have, over the years of their existence, become like a "shadow government". These two organizations are immensely powerful. No one in either of these organizations were elected by the people. The heads of these groups are appointed by the President and serve at his pleasure. Yet it seems that no one has any meaningful power over either of them. They act as their own entities. As you are now witnessing first hand, even trying to unseat the President which they are supposed to serve.

Both of these organizations need to be seriously overhauled. The left leaning management needs to be purged and replaced with people that follow the letter of the law, and respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Put some sort of checks and balances in place to prevent the politicization of these two very powerful bureaus. There is simply too much power, with too little oversight and discipline. One of the most important jobs of the President and Congress is to reign in the deep state. These are very dangerous people, especially when they are willing to act as agents of a political party. STAY VIGILANT MY FRIENDS!!


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