Sunday, December 17, 2017


TAYLOR SWIFT: I'm not a fan of her music, not because I think badly of it, just not my style. I would rather listen to ZZ Top, or Credence Clearwater. However, this is what I absolutely love about Taylor Swift, she drives the lefties "frigging" nuts. She won't involve herself in the useless crap of left wing bitching and moaning over fabricated social issues. She just cruises along, raking in the dough while the lefties are throwing themselves on the ground, screaming and writhing, criticizing her for not getting down in the mud. Smart and beautiful young lady. Stay strong Taylor!!

MUELLER PROBE: Everything, no matter what it is, must start with a good foundation. Trying to build something on a weak or faulty foundation will fail in the end. This is exactly what you're seeing happen before your eyes. This investigation was built on a false narrative to harm the President, and because of that, it is slowly crumbling and falling into ruins. I predict that the very people that created it, will in the end, be the ones harmed by it.

SEX AND STUPIDITY: These two words just naturally go together. Sexual relations should always be consensual and private, between two people in a committed relationship. The following locations are not places where you should engage in sexual activities; the office, the classroom, the church building, your car, your workplace, your sports club, or your local bar. If you engage in sex in these locations, there is a very good chance it's with someone you shouldn't be involved with. There is also a very good chance that it will derail your whole damn life. It's called SEXSTUPIDY

YEARS OLD SEXUAL ALLIGATIONS: This ties in with the paragraph above. Don't engage in sexstupidy. However, this is a very dangerous trend. People are now making claims they were sexually assaulted in the past, sometimes 30 or 40 years ago, causing great harm to the person they are accusing, with no physical proof or witnesses. Just simply making an unsubstantiated statement. This goes directly against the rule of law, yet the accused are being tried and convicted in the public arena with no judge or jury. It's a hugely powerful political weapon, and it's an extremely dangerous trend that has to be stopped. Show us the proof. Good example is the woman accusing Ed Murray current SOS of Wyoming running for governor. This one is highly suspicious of being an outright lie.

LEFTIST INFLUENCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: It has been shown to be true in recent years that public schools are destroying patriotism for this republic as we know and love it. The socialist agenda has become so deeply embedded in our schools and universities I'm not sure how it can be reversed. There is very little if any balance in local government so it's probably useless to address at that level. However, we need to fervently address this with our Senators and Congressmen. It may be as simple as putting rules in place to force educators to abstain from pushing political agendas, at the risk of losing their jobs.


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