Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I have a theory. I think that you can use words so much to describe people or things, that the words simply become meaningless and trite, and when said, don't even move the needle of concern. For example the word "awesome". This has to be one of the most over used words in the English language. People are constantly using it to describe something or someone that in reality is not awesome at all. In reality whatever they are describing is probably a tick above mediocre. The Democrats are great at using words until they become meaningless like raciest, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist. Most all human beings at any given time, could be guilty of being any of these words. As human beings, we all have moments when we really don't like another human beings looks, religion, sexual preferences, where they come from or the way they act as a man or woman. If you claim you don't have any of these thoughts, try walking on water. I often meet people that create a real challenge for me to be civil.

The Lefties are so blinded by hatred for the conservative folks that they can't help themselves from spewing out all of these labels, in an effort to make everyone else hate the conservatives as well. They are trying to use words, to paint some sort of identifying mark on conservatives, to make them socially unacceptable. Think about this for a moment, if everyone is a raciest then nobody is a raciest. The word becomes totally meaningless. Which happens to be precisely my point. How many times have you heard someone describe another person as an "idiot". You shout it at other drivers 20 times a day. Looking back over the span of the many years I have been on this planet, I find real idiots to be in pretty small numbers. However, as many times as you hear this, you would think that every third person is a certified idiot. Are you getting the picture yet?

There are two more words used regularly by the left, and it's totally obvious they are only using them for shock value, or they really don't know what they mean. Nazi and Fascist. These two words are most commonly used by college and university students. People that you would think should know what these words represent. It's pretty clear they're idiots. Recently, on two separate college campuses, one west coast, one east coast, Hispanic women employees at student stores, shouted at Republican students telling them to get out, they were invading their "safe spaces". Calling the Republican students Nazis and Fascists. They are using hatred and obnoxious language to deny these people service. That sounds sort of like fascism to me.

I have a message for the lefties. You obviously think anyone that does not share your political ideology are hopeless idiots. We are not. We understand exactly what your game is. You think, if you keep affixing labels to the conservatives, everyone will eventually believe it. In reality what will happen, is that everyone will get so bored with the constant drum beat, they will tune you out and your words will become meaningless noise. We're almost there so why don't you just shut up.


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