Saturday, January 6, 2018


If you would like to follow me to my new address here is the link;

Hope to see you there. I have a lot more to write about. God Bless. Remember Truth Conquers.

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Ain't life great? Sittin' here at my computer with my blue tooth headphones on listening to ZZ Top and the Eagles. Watching President Trump kickin' ass in the Whitehouse, and got me a Cadillac in my garage. My kids are all doin' great, my lovely English born wife just made a great dinner, my belly's full, got some spendin' money. It ain't gettin' no betta.

The Republicans are finally gettin' some backbone and lookin' into Hillary's crazy shit. Oh yeah, they're rippin' into the crooked FBI. I say we need to fire every other FBI guy and every other DOJ piece of scum lawyer. We'll know the Republicans really do have cajoles when they start questioning these FBI scumbags in the open instead of letting them hide behind closed doors. We're off to a good start anyway.

Hey, you know how the lefties are constantly hangin' every phobia known to man on the conservatives? There is one phobia I bet you ain't heard of, and I'm hangin' on every friggin dem on the planet, it covers 'em all. Cherophobia.  All them Dems are cherophobic.

Hey ya'll, it's Christmas. I love Christmas 'cause it celebrates the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Folks have thrown in Santa Claus and a bunch of other stuff, it's all fun, but make no mistake, the real reason for the season is the birth of our Savior. After you open all of those cool gifts, it would be a real good idea to take a moment to thank God for sending his Son to make it possible for us to live with him in Eternity. God Bless you all, and thanks for reading my craziness.


Sunday, December 17, 2017


TAYLOR SWIFT: I'm not a fan of her music, not because I think badly of it, just not my style. I would rather listen to ZZ Top, or Credence Clearwater. However, this is what I absolutely love about Taylor Swift, she drives the lefties "frigging" nuts. She won't involve herself in the useless crap of left wing bitching and moaning over fabricated social issues. She just cruises along, raking in the dough while the lefties are throwing themselves on the ground, screaming and writhing, criticizing her for not getting down in the mud. Smart and beautiful young lady. Stay strong Taylor!!

MUELLER PROBE: Everything, no matter what it is, must start with a good foundation. Trying to build something on a weak or faulty foundation will fail in the end. This is exactly what you're seeing happen before your eyes. This investigation was built on a false narrative to harm the President, and because of that, it is slowly crumbling and falling into ruins. I predict that the very people that created it, will in the end, be the ones harmed by it.

SEX AND STUPIDITY: These two words just naturally go together. Sexual relations should always be consensual and private, between two people in a committed relationship. The following locations are not places where you should engage in sexual activities; the office, the classroom, the church building, your car, your workplace, your sports club, or your local bar. If you engage in sex in these locations, there is a very good chance it's with someone you shouldn't be involved with. There is also a very good chance that it will derail your whole damn life. It's called SEXSTUPIDY

YEARS OLD SEXUAL ALLIGATIONS: This ties in with the paragraph above. Don't engage in sexstupidy. However, this is a very dangerous trend. People are now making claims they were sexually assaulted in the past, sometimes 30 or 40 years ago, causing great harm to the person they are accusing, with no physical proof or witnesses. Just simply making an unsubstantiated statement. This goes directly against the rule of law, yet the accused are being tried and convicted in the public arena with no judge or jury. It's a hugely powerful political weapon, and it's an extremely dangerous trend that has to be stopped. Show us the proof. Good example is the woman accusing Ed Murray current SOS of Wyoming running for governor. This one is highly suspicious of being an outright lie.

LEFTIST INFLUENCE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: It has been shown to be true in recent years that public schools are destroying patriotism for this republic as we know and love it. The socialist agenda has become so deeply embedded in our schools and universities I'm not sure how it can be reversed. There is very little if any balance in local government so it's probably useless to address at that level. However, we need to fervently address this with our Senators and Congressmen. It may be as simple as putting rules in place to force educators to abstain from pushing political agendas, at the risk of losing their jobs.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017


I have a theory. I think that you can use words so much to describe people or things, that the words simply become meaningless and trite, and when said, don't even move the needle of concern. For example the word "awesome". This has to be one of the most over used words in the English language. People are constantly using it to describe something or someone that in reality is not awesome at all. In reality whatever they are describing is probably a tick above mediocre. The Democrats are great at using words until they become meaningless like raciest, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynist. Most all human beings at any given time, could be guilty of being any of these words. As human beings, we all have moments when we really don't like another human beings looks, religion, sexual preferences, where they come from or the way they act as a man or woman. If you claim you don't have any of these thoughts, try walking on water. I often meet people that create a real challenge for me to be civil.

The Lefties are so blinded by hatred for the conservative folks that they can't help themselves from spewing out all of these labels, in an effort to make everyone else hate the conservatives as well. They are trying to use words, to paint some sort of identifying mark on conservatives, to make them socially unacceptable. Think about this for a moment, if everyone is a raciest then nobody is a raciest. The word becomes totally meaningless. Which happens to be precisely my point. How many times have you heard someone describe another person as an "idiot". You shout it at other drivers 20 times a day. Looking back over the span of the many years I have been on this planet, I find real idiots to be in pretty small numbers. However, as many times as you hear this, you would think that every third person is a certified idiot. Are you getting the picture yet?

There are two more words used regularly by the left, and it's totally obvious they are only using them for shock value, or they really don't know what they mean. Nazi and Fascist. These two words are most commonly used by college and university students. People that you would think should know what these words represent. It's pretty clear they're idiots. Recently, on two separate college campuses, one west coast, one east coast, Hispanic women employees at student stores, shouted at Republican students telling them to get out, they were invading their "safe spaces". Calling the Republican students Nazis and Fascists. They are using hatred and obnoxious language to deny these people service. That sounds sort of like fascism to me.

I have a message for the lefties. You obviously think anyone that does not share your political ideology are hopeless idiots. We are not. We understand exactly what your game is. You think, if you keep affixing labels to the conservatives, everyone will eventually believe it. In reality what will happen, is that everyone will get so bored with the constant drum beat, they will tune you out and your words will become meaningless noise. We're almost there so why don't you just shut up.


Thursday, December 7, 2017



Apparently, as far as anyone can tell at the moment, the Mueller team has not discovered any collusion between the candidate Trump and the Russians to alter the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, if that actually ever was  the mission. It now appears, that they knew all along that there was no collusion, because the FBI and the Obama minions managed to get FISA warrants to listen in on Trump Team telephone conversations. It was brought to light today in the Congressional hearings that it is very likely, the FBI used the fake Trump dossier bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, to obtain the FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Stop and think about that. The FBI was an agent, acting on the behalf of the Democrat candidate in an attempt to sway the election in her direction. This makes Watergate look like a Frat party.

It gets even deeper. Peter Strzok, FBI special agent, who was very quietly fired by Bob Mueller last summer has ties to Hillary Clinton in unbelievable ways. He was involved in the investigation of her server scandal, watering down the language of the charges that were recited on TV by James Comey. He was present during the interviews with Hillary Clinton's aids, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, by the way, both of them lied during the interview, but no charges were filed. There is now reason to believe, he is the guy that dressed up the fake Trump Dossier and presented it to the FISA Court to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Bob Mueller said the reason he fired him, was that he sent anti Trump tweets to his girlfriend who is also an FBI agent and who has also been involved with Mueller. I'm sorry Bob, but we are smarter than you think, and we know this is much more serious than what you are reporting. By the way, why did it take this long before we knew about it?

Make no mistake about it, this so called Russia probe is a very well orchestrated attempt to unseat a duly elected president by the "deep state".  The FBI and the CIA have, over the years of their existence, become like a "shadow government". These two organizations are immensely powerful. No one in either of these organizations were elected by the people. The heads of these groups are appointed by the President and serve at his pleasure. Yet it seems that no one has any meaningful power over either of them. They act as their own entities. As you are now witnessing first hand, even trying to unseat the President which they are supposed to serve.

Both of these organizations need to be seriously overhauled. The left leaning management needs to be purged and replaced with people that follow the letter of the law, and respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Put some sort of checks and balances in place to prevent the politicization of these two very powerful bureaus. There is simply too much power, with too little oversight and discipline. One of the most important jobs of the President and Congress is to reign in the deep state. These are very dangerous people, especially when they are willing to act as agents of a political party. STAY VIGILANT MY FRIENDS!!


Tuesday, December 5, 2017


The picture on the right was taken from the Fox
News website, showing Matt Lauer, Ann Curry on the left and Merideth Vieira on the right. The picture was taken at the Friars Roast in the year 2008. These pictures shown on this page were part of a story by Brian Flood of Fox News. It is a must read story. It will give you insights to the people behind their TV masks. There were 1900 people present at this roast, and the content of the presentation was unbelievable. You need to read what took place to understand the people that routinely lecture you and hand out moral judgment. After reading it, you will no longer be able to take these people seriously again. Go to the Fox News website and look up this story by Brian Flood.  I have attached a link to the original article by Tony Ortega of the Village Voice, where you will get a first hand report of the event. one contemporaneous account of the roast, read it and be totally stunned.

Keep in mind, these are all NBC people. Among those in the audience is Donald Trump. Mr. Trump had a very successful show " The Celebrity Apprentice", plus back in those days Donald Trump hung with the Dems. He was considered one of them, one of the family. The infamous Access Hollywood tape of 2005 was safely locked away at NBC in 2008, and it wasn't about to be exposed as long as Mr. Trump was part of the NBC gang. Seven years later Trump defected, and mounted a bid for the presidency under the Republican banner. Suddenly, all of the lefties at NBC turned on him with a vengeance. Later in the race when it was clear that Trump may actually win, someone at NBC pulled the Hollywood Access tape out of the vault and it found it's way to the New York Times.

Why is this important you may ask. It's important because the very people that were expressing moral outrage about what Donald Trump said on the tape, were in that room at the Friars Roast in 2008 and were  participating the filth and vulgarity that made what Donald Trump said look pale in comparison. Bottom line here, the left wing media is vile, corrupt, and full of two faced liars. Also, this is only NBC, if you don't think the other networks aren't mirror images, I have a bridge I would like to sell to you.

Monday, December 4, 2017



JANE FONDA DEFENDS COLIN KAEPERNICK: I'm not even sure what to say about this. Ol' Kap ain't lookin' like he's winning the hearts of too many folks, and teaming up with Hanoi Jane, that's like strapping on a suicide vest. Gotta hand it to you Kap, when it comes to diggin' holes, nobody does it better.

I have heard Chelsea on several occasions when she was appearing on talk shows and I was not impressed to put it mildly. On one show she kept bringing up the fact that she like sleeping with black guys, she seemed pretty much obsessed with the idea. She made it quite clear that she was available for the asking, plus she's just plain crude and rude. Then today she has the audacity to call Sarah Huckabee Sanders a harlot, trollop, and whore. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is pure class, Chelsea Handler is a classless bitch.

THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION: This thing stinks to high heaven. The people on this investigative team are nothing more than an entourage of left wing political hacks. It is filled with guys with really questionable backgrounds, and major failures. The path of the investigation is wandering around like a drunk sailor on his way back to the ship. They interviewed Flynn, didn't bother telling him could have a lawyer present, then charged him with lying. It's entrapment nothing more nothing less. They break into Manafort's house in the early morning hours without warning??? This is pure political terrorism. I heard a top female attorney say that this isn't mission creep, it's creeps on a mission. I couldn't agree more.