Sunday, November 26, 2017


They say, that the computers are now one hundred times smarter than humans. I'm sure that percentage will continue to grow to many thousands in the near future. Humans are helping that percentage to grow. Look around, have you ever seen so many dumbass people in your lives? I really think we are at some sort of threshold, where humans have lost complete ability to cope with everyday life. Here is the really scary part. A computers knowledge base, is programed by humans. So, wouldn't it make sense that the basic human faults and flawed traits, and political biases would find their way into the computers processors? Are we making sure only pure, unbiased information is being fed into these massive thinking machines? Since the super powerful internet giants, (you know who I am talking about), operate in total autonomy, does that scare you? It should.

Now and then I check in with the Smithsonian Channel. They have a very wide variety of informative productions. Today they aired a segment called "Patty Hearst, The Lost Tapes". The program was outstanding. I followed that story very closely back in 1974,75 and beyond, and the program was like reliving those days, seeing the news stories again for the first time in over forty years. What stood out to me, was that the Symbionese Liberation Army was formed in Berkeley, California. This happens to be the very same place where the Antifa Group operates today. The propaganda the SLA was spreading, is identical to Antifa. Why has Berkeley always been so anti American?

If you want to see for yourself that anti Americanism is alive and well at Berkeley today please go to  I think you will be stunned by what you see.

California, what a beautiful place ( without the people of course ). Wonderful weather, massive natural resources, and to top it off, the fabulous Pacific Ocean. It has always been a place where people dreamed of living the wonderful life. Well it seems the natural beauty and resources are still there, but the dream is a lot harder to achieve. Mainly due to the prevailing political atmosphere. You see Berkeley, is only the tip of the iceberg. The slow march to the left and socialism has been going on for years. That's precisely why I left the state twenty-seven years ago. The tax burden levied on the population for the socialist policies is becoming almost unbearable. More and more large companies are moving to places like Texas where common sense still prevails. The lefties seem to be hell bent in turning California into a third world hell hole. A full 50% of California households do not speak English. Now, let's go back to that artificial intelligence thing. A huge percentage of the purveyors of this cutting edge technology are based in California. I don't know about you, but that makes me very nervous.



Monday, November 13, 2017


This picture speaks not volumes, lots of volumes. I saw this on Facebook today and couldn't resist
including it in my blog. The person that put this together was pure genius. Every single guy in this picture was a known predator prior to being given that award, but they gave it to them anyway. The Democrats have always been far to cozy with the entertainment crowd. It has been a very poorly kept secret that the moral compass of Hollywood elites quit working sometime around the advent talking movies. I have literally heard people discussing it my entire lifetime.


As a casual observer, show business has always been just a little shady, and has pretty much always pushed the envelope no matter what era you name. Burlesque being a very good example. What was seen and heard in a Burlesque show was extremely Avant-garde in it's day. I remember seeing a news segment from the days of May West. A group of Christian leaders went to Hollywood and successfully pressured Hollywood to tone down Ms. West's steamy rhetoric. The lines recited by Ms. West seem quite harmless by today's standards, but back in the day they were considered very naughty. The point I am attempting to make, is that Hollywood movies are very influential, and it has successfully lowered the bar of human decency to an all time low. And make no mistake, it is 100% intentional. Hollywood has no morals, and they don't want you to have any either. They want to sell you their trash and sexual deviancy.

In the history of the world, no more simple rules have been laid down on how to live your life in peace and happiness, than the Ten Commandments. Simple, to the point guidelines, for human decency. Modern movies and TV, seem to be hell bent on trashing every one of them and the people that still try to live by them. Christians today are viewed as backward morons. There is one very important thing to remember about all of this....all of these glamorous Hollywood people profess to be undying Democrats.

So, in summary this is how I see Hollywood. We have seen murder committed by almost every means possible from chain saws to electrocution. We've seen people dismembered before our very eyes. We have seen horrendous crashes of planes, trains, automobiles, virtually every type of vehicle. We have seen adultery, rape, incest, sex between different genders, same genders, even some unidentifiable genders. We've seen nudity from partial to full on frontal. Can't even say how many people we have seen blown away with every conceivable type of weapon and explosive. We've seen people using drugs in every form, doing stupid stuff while being intoxicated by alcohol. There is nothing that Hollywood knows how to do better than portray the "arm pit of humanity".

If you think this doesn't have a tremendously negative effect on the population, you don't have a functioning brain.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017


100% UNSCRUPULOUS: The 100% loyal liberal soldier, Ms. Donna Brazil, shook the foundations of the Democrat Party this week with the release of her new book " Hacked ". What I find interesting is that almost instantly all of the top Democrats were labeling her a traitor, more or less, calling her timing questionable releasing the book just before a few state gubernatorial races. As most of you know by now, the big bombshell is, she say's she has proof that Hillary Clinton rigged the entire Democrat Primary. C'mon people, are you really surprised that Hillary Clinton would do such a thing. If you're surprised, you can't be a day over ten years old. What I thought was hilarious, if Hillary had not had the Super Delegates locked in, crazy ol' Bernie would have come awfully close to beating her. Also, think about this; Bernie ran a total soft ball campaign against her. It's been said more than once by more than one person, that if you trash the Clinton's you will suffer majorly. Maybe ol' Bernie was just exercising a little political self preservation. Even now, after the claim has been made by Ms.Brazil, ol' Bernie has been as quiet as a little mouse. I only heard two or three Democrats speak badly of Hillary, and they were Bernie supporters. That alone speaks volumes about the Democrat Party.

MARIAH CAREY:  She recently underwent weight loss surgery. It's understandable that she has a weight problem, she can't keep her mouth shut. If they just taped here mouth shut, she would loose weight and seem instantly smarter. I'm not sure why she is still around, have you heard her voice lately? Her and Hillary need to learn how to exit gracefully and leave behind better memories.

NAACP AND THE NATIONAL ANTHEM: The California NAACP has called for replacing "The Star Spangled Banner" as the National Anthem, calling the song raciest and anti black. Citing the third stanza as anti black. Which it is not. My recommendation to black folks or anyone else that don't want to salute "Old Glory" and sing the Star Spangled Banner, is to apply for citizenship in Canada or somewhere else. Just leave.

GAY TALESE COMMENTING ON KEVIN SPACEY: After reading Gay's comments, it's really unclear which of them is the bigger idiot.

DEVIN PATRICK KELLEY:  Out of the millions of babies that have been aborted, why not him?

LAS VEGAS DRIVERLESS SHUTTLE:  A short two hours after the launch of the first driverless shuttle in Vegas, it ran into a semi trailer truck. It's sensors couldn't see something as big as a semi? Not too long ago a Tesla on auto pilot ran into a semi. Somehow large trucks are invisible to these things? I think I'll give it a little more time before I jump on one.



Wednesday, November 1, 2017


I am completely and utterly dumbfounded by the thinking that I am about to discuss. The people that make the decisions regarding immigration, can't possibly be as ignorant, or stupid as their decisions would indicate. It boggles my mind, and I really try to make sense of it, but it's impossible to do. Stop and think about what I am about to say.

Britain, France, Belgium, Italy and Germany, were ravaged by the Nazis in WWll. Their cities massively destroyed as the result of a seven year long war. Millions of people slaughtered. All of that considered, why in hell would you invite hundreds of thousands, even millions of people into these countries that are nothing more than Nazis of a different color. Hitler hated Jews and anyone that wasn't white. Muslims hate Jews and anyone that is white. They bitterly hate anyone that isn't Muslim period. They even hate Muslims that they consider to be the wrong brand of Muslims. They are miserable, hate filled, war mongers. Take a look at the countries they come from. Their cities are in shambles from years of war amongst themselves. They live in filth and squalor and have for centuries. It's what they consider normal. So, again, why would the leaders of these beautiful countries, rich in traditions, and history allow millions of these monsters into their midst? These people don't give a rip about Europe, they just want to destroy the Christians and Jews and wipe out every trace of them ever being here.

The clueless European leaders see them as poor helpless refugees. People that truly understand what is going on, as I do, see them as an invading army. They will come into these countries and set up Muslim communities and live in relative peace as they slowly grow in numbers, even start participating in the governments, biding their time until they become the dominant percentage of the population. When they become the dominant percentage, they will start taking over the host country. Eventually, what was a Christian country for centuries will become Islamic. What makes it easier, the white Christians will continue to practice voluntary birth control, while the Muslims will have as many children as humanly possible. In the end Christians will have committed voluntary genocide.

Now, let's take a look at our own country, and our own ignoramus leaders. The New York City Muslim asshole that just killed eight innocent people was from Uzbekistan. I had to look at a map to see where this hell hole was located. You may ask how I know it's a hell hole, if I didn't even know it existed? I know it's a hell hole because they said it was a totally Muslim country. So, some genius sitting in Washington D.C. that has never been in Uzbekistan, and probably doesn't know where it is either, thinks it's a good idea to offer people a chance to come to the USA on a lottery visa. Has something to do with diversity. No thought whatsoever. By the way, why do we need more diversity? Last time I looked we have too much diversity. Half the people in the United States hate the other half. So what makes these dumbass politicians think we need more people that hate us in the mix. Don't you think it would be a good idea to figure out our existing social problems before creating more? Hell, we're fighting over which restrooms people can use, when their one of 65 different genders. I can actually see the future where cities will have one huge building in the center of town, with hundreds of bathrooms for hundreds of genders, and the Democrats will still be whining. Here is the very serious bottom line folks; gender identification will never be a problem for Islam. Think about that for awhile.