Monday, July 31, 2017


We had dinner with some dear friends last Saturday night, and as usual we covered just about every topic imaginable. During the conversation my blog was discussed, and Liann said she thought they were too long, and should be more abbreviated. I totally realize I tend to be a little long winded, I am going to try to be more brief in my thoughts.

Charlie Gard: I think it very odd, that a nation that does not, and will not, practice capital punishment  on the most heinous criminals will very casually sentence a newborn to death. Don't you think that the decision to "pull the plug" should be the sole discretion of the parents??? Think about that, and then tell me you want the government running healthcare.

Anthony Scaramucci: When you have a boss like Donald Trump that obviously loves to be in the limelight, and you suck all of the air out of the room for a week, what do think is going to happen. Doh, he's an idiot.

MS13: Another case of liberal agenda gone wrong. Turn your head and let anyone and everyone cross the border, including thousands of unescorted minors, and eventually someone is going to have to clean up the mess. Unfortunately, Obama is like your dog, he can make a big mess but don't expect him to clean it up.

Healthcare Bill: Undeniable proof that lawmakers with a D behind their name do not have the monopoly on stupidity.

Nancy Pelosi: She made the previous statement extremely difficult to write.

Climate Change: It's really happening, it's hotter than hell where I live. Oh wait, It's August, that's what happens in August.

Green Peace: Do a little research and find out where they get a huge amount of the money to fund their operations. You just may be surprised when you find out it  comes from Russia. Aren't those guys at Green Peace liberals, and aren't they the ones screaming about collusion???

I hope you enjoyed reading my random thoughts as much as I enjoyed writing them. God Bless.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017


The simple answer is NO. Patriotism is like a beautiful flower, it must be nurtured, and cultivated to survive. The left leaning forces in our educational institutions are letting it slowly die. The public schools have always played an important role in keeping patriotism alive and well. As a child in elementary school, we were shown films about the greatness of America. We were taught about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and how important they were to our freedoms. We were taught about the valor of our Military and how important it was in keeping us free. I remember being one, of a two person team to raise our flag every morning at our school, even as a fifth grade student, it was a very big deal. We were also taught about the greatness of our Founding Fathers, and their courage in forging a new nation. A nation that has survived for 241 years thanks to their incredible foresight and faith in God. My childhood was steeped in love for the United States of America. When I see Old Glory waving in the breeze, I have a feeling of pride, a feeling of confidence, and a deep respect for those men and women that have defended our flag and all that it means.

Sadly, our schools no longer feel it's important, to teach our children the importance of being a patriot. They are missing something extremely important. The citizens of a nation must have that feeling of belonging to something much larger than themselves, a feeling of loyalty, a feeling of pride. They must have a willingness to defend their way of life, and their homeland. History will teach us, that as long as people have been on this planet, there will always be those that are willing to wage war on others, to expand their domain, and expand their ideology. That is after all the reason for having flags in the first place, to rally the warriors and mark your territory. A nation of people that lack that inner feeling of love for their country are easily conquered, because they lack the desire to fight for what the believe. They are nothing more than lambs, waiting to be slaughtered.

I recently spoke with my brother-in-law that is a resident of London England. He was born and raised there. I was curious about the level of patriotism among the British citizens. He told me, it is no where near the level found in the USA. I was immediately surprised. However, after thinking about it, and  considering the government's socialistic behavior, it made perfect sense. Britain has always been known for their patriotism and bravery, willing to stand against almost insurmountable odds, and come out victors. The socialists have all but ended that, allowing a never ending parade of immigrants into their country from the middle east. Hundreds of thousands of people that don't have even the slightest desire to be traditional Englishmen. They could give a rip less about the hardships English citizens faced in WWll, and the huge sacrifices they made to remain a sovereign nation. They are there to conquer, period.

Make no mistake about it. There are forces in this world that would love to see the USA meet it's demise. The only thing standing between them and us, is the power of our Military and the Patriot Soldiers willing to die, to make sure that doesn't happen. We cannot allow the government to let our country be overrun with immigrants that don't share the love of our country, and our dream of total freedom. Keep the politicians in check. Do not let them give our country away, because of some whacko ideology of a political party. The survival of our nation, and our freedom is more important than all of the political parties that ever existed. AMERICA FIRST.


Monday, July 3, 2017


While perusing my MSN opening page, I noticed an article about civility. The article stated that most Americans think that civility has deteriorated since Donald Trump was elected. Doh!!! In true media style they go on to cite a recent poll with some other interesting numbers, ( which I will discuss later ) but neglected to discuss where the incivility is coming from. By not talking about it, it would leave one to believe it's Trump's fault. That's called indirect "fake news". 100% of the blame for the increase in incivility can be laid at the feet of the "lefties". They are out of their collective minds, over the disruption of the steady march to the left, which was accelerated under the Obama administration. They had dreams of Hillary winning and continuing the march to socialism, and freedom from having to work, getting free education, free food, free contraceptives, free furniture, free cars, free housing, free sex, basically everything would be free but the people. Oh and by the way, under socialism you won't be getting a free I phone, it will be some cheap piece of crap like an old flip phone. You can also forget about texting, because the first thing that will go is free speech. The same for the internet, if you post anything anti government, they will bust your door down and take away your piece of crap free computer and you. Welcome to North Korea.

As I mentioned above, the article cited a recent poll but neglected to say who conducted it. Below are some of the topics;
The poll said that most Americans trust the Intelligence organizations and the courts most. The so called "Deep State" has been proven again and again, to be partisan and untrustworthy. They've also been proven to be incorrect in their assessments of situations abroad. Don't misunderstand, I think they play a very important role in our government, but I think you should be just a little skeptical about what they say and do. ( See the Clapper and Comey testimonies ) They are supposed to serve at the pleasure of the President, I can assure you, that they bend the rules to fit their own narratives.

Trusting the courts is a real laugh. There are gobs of liberal hack judges that think they can rule from the bench. They could give a rip less about the law, they rule based on political leanings. ( See Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ) Even the Supreme Court judges are politically biased. Best advice is to stay the hell out of the courts.

 The poll shows that 37% of Americans don't trust the media. Are 63% of Americans really that dumb? Read quotes from Will Rogers regarding the media, they have haven't improved much.

I just read that the Democrats in California, are threatening to kill each other over the State Healthcare bill in the California legislature. So much for public civility. It appears that this is the way the "lefties roll". My advice to the California lawmakers; Don't plan any baseball games.

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