Saturday, February 11, 2017

Where's The Love?

It has been a very interesting presidential campaign to say the least. The following is my interpretation.


Republican; Seventeen candidates, very different individuals, similar ideologies. Clearly two stood out from the beginning as strong committed men. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. However, any one of these people had a shot at winning, all they had to do was to convince us, the voters. And they all fought hard during the debates, to stand in the winners circle.

Democrat: I don't think anyone would disagree, that the Democrats were not very good at hiding the fact that they wanted Hillary Clinton to be the candidate. The debates were laughable, they had an image of being staged and fake. Bernie, however, wasn't playing along very well, and showcased the weakness of Hillary as a candidate. Bernie is about as far left as you can get, and if it weren't for the super delegates, he would have came awfully close to winning the primary. However, the DNC had other plans, and poor old Bernie was doomed.

The Race.

Hillary; Ran a traditional style organization, using tired old clichés about women's rights, the environment, racial issues, you know all of them by heart now. It's what the Democrats have been running on for as long as I can remember. She didn't seem to have any new ideas on anything, leaning heavily on Barrack Obama's past eight years, lamenting that we should continue his policies, when most of them were clearly failures.

Donald; Clearly had his ear to the ground, listening to all of the grumbling and complaining of what he called " The forgotten People ". The people Hillary called " The basket of deplorables ." They saw Donald Trump as the savior of their America, reversing the socialist trend set in place by Barrack Obama. Reversing the lawlessness that had taken over their streets, and the disappearance of middle America prosperity. Simply put, they wanted to kick Washington D.C.'s ass. To " seal the deal ", he employed a group of young savvy people, that understood how to use the social media, and the internet, to track down the potential voters. The result was devastating on election night, blowing up the traditional Democrat strongholds. Donald Trump and his staff simply ran a smarter, more energetic campaign. Donald Trump was tireless, he seemed to be everywhere, all the time. He dominated the news.

The aftermath.

The liberals were devastated. They could be seen sitting, holding their heads in their hands, sobbing like mourners. They seemed to wander about, disoriented, as if they had just awoken from being knocked out by a hard right punch. ( pun intended ) Then suddenly, as if a light went on in a dark room, they realized they had lost. The result reminds me of when I was a kid, we would use sticks to " stir up " the red ants. We would jab the sticks into the ant hill and then stand back and watch them go absolutely crazy.

They engaged in what they called protests, which were thinly veiled riots, breaking windows, smashing cars, attacking people they suspected to be Trump supporters. Numerous people around the country were attacked and beaten because the were Trump supporters. They shut down public streets, roads, bridges, public transportation. They rioted at colleges and universities, destroying more property.

These aren't protests, these were and are fits, being thrown by people that have never known any type of discipline for bad behavior. They simply didn't get their way, and they are going to make everyone pay for it. These are undisciplined, bad tempered individuals that are " developmentally challenged ". America has always been a place you could vent your grievances in the street, and that's a good thing. It's our first amendment right. However, when you stop protesting, and start hurting other people, and destroying civil and personal property, you are no longer a protester, you are a felon.

Slogans & signs.

As if their actions didn't speak loud enough, the so called protestors carried signs and plaquards, with hate filled messages, and filthy language. What I find so ironic in this whole display, is that while destroying property, hurting other people, they are accusing the Republicans and Donald Trump of hate and bigotry. While watching them engage in this horrendously destructive behavior, I keep asking myself, where's the love?

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