Monday, February 13, 2017

First Amendment and Fascism

This is probably this single most glaring example that the left has a very big problem with comprehension. The first amendment reads as follows:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free speech exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Not a single caveat in the entire amendment. The words if, except, excluding, are nowhere to be found. It is to be interpreted exactly as written. As the old saying goes, "no ifs, ands, or buts".

The first amendment gives us the right to say whatever we want, whenever we want, as long as it is within the constraints of the law, and does not create physical injury to another person or persons. Case in point is the old example of yelling fire in a crowded theater. The resulting stampede could cause injury even death.

Saying something that offends another, whether intentional or not, pretty much has to be addressed between the two parties. There are simply no lawful guidelines, regarding what free speech actually entails. Obviously, if you say or print something disparaging another persons character, that person has every right to sue you in a court of law. That said, cannot prevent someone from addressing a group of willing listeners. You are abridging the rights of the speaker, exercising his freedom of speech, and the listeners exercising their rights to lawful assembly. The local law enforcement is obligated under the law, to protect the rights of free speech, period. If we are to maintain a civil society, it is absolutely imperative, that the first amendment be fully understood and respected.

It is also very important to note what the amendment says regarding assembly. This is where the left really runs off the rails. The Founding Fathers, being the amazing men that they were, inserted the word "peaceably", knowing full well, the likelihood of human beings to become unhinged. The first amendment in no way, makes vandalizing property, injuring other human beings and/or animals, such as police horses and dogs, legal in any form. If a protest is organized, it must comply with the laws of the city or town where it is to occur. If it does not, the local officials are well within their rights to force the protestors to disband. Shutting down roads, bridges, public transportation, and buildings are not supported by the First Amendment, period. If you think it is, then you have the brain of a gnat.

For about as long as I can remember, this is one of the left's favorite labels. Let's take a look at what fascism really is. Let's also look at the term "brown shirts" and understand what that means. The left really likes to use these terms in respect conservatives. Meryl Streep, who during the Oscar presentation, seriously "dissed" President Trump, said this while addressing a fundraiser for the Human Rights Campaign; " speaking out, puts a target on your forehead. And it sets you up for all sorts of attacks and armies of "brown shirts" and bots". In my opinion, Meryl Streep has an over inflated idea of her importance.  

The best example of fascism took place in Italy and Germany in the 1930's just prior to WWII. It is very important to remember this took place under a dictatorship. Exercising fascism within the framework of a democracy is a very far fetched idea. See above, when I spoke about gnat brains. The Democrats won't even allow the newly elected President to fill his cabinet positions. Do you really think fascism is remotely possible? To even suggest it, makes the person saying it, look incredibly stupid.

Let's take a look at what "brown shirts" were. During the dictatorship of Benito Mussolini, they were called "black shirts". Hitler and the Nazi's used brown shirts. These factions were used as strong arm rabble rousers to disrupt the meetings of opposing parties, and intimidate citizens and jews. I'm sorry, but the knuckleheads in the streets beating people, burning buildings and cars, breaking windows, and disrupting Republican rallies, sound a lot more like "brown shirt" tactics to me. I'm trying to remember anything remotely like this after Barrack Obama was elected. I just don't recall it. If you have an example you would like to share, I would love to see it.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Where's The Love?

It has been a very interesting presidential campaign to say the least. The following is my interpretation.


Republican; Seventeen candidates, very different individuals, similar ideologies. Clearly two stood out from the beginning as strong committed men. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. However, any one of these people had a shot at winning, all they had to do was to convince us, the voters. And they all fought hard during the debates, to stand in the winners circle.

Democrat: I don't think anyone would disagree, that the Democrats were not very good at hiding the fact that they wanted Hillary Clinton to be the candidate. The debates were laughable, they had an image of being staged and fake. Bernie, however, wasn't playing along very well, and showcased the weakness of Hillary as a candidate. Bernie is about as far left as you can get, and if it weren't for the super delegates, he would have came awfully close to winning the primary. However, the DNC had other plans, and poor old Bernie was doomed.

The Race.

Hillary; Ran a traditional style organization, using tired old clichés about women's rights, the environment, racial issues, you know all of them by heart now. It's what the Democrats have been running on for as long as I can remember. She didn't seem to have any new ideas on anything, leaning heavily on Barrack Obama's past eight years, lamenting that we should continue his policies, when most of them were clearly failures.

Donald; Clearly had his ear to the ground, listening to all of the grumbling and complaining of what he called " The forgotten People ". The people Hillary called " The basket of deplorables ." They saw Donald Trump as the savior of their America, reversing the socialist trend set in place by Barrack Obama. Reversing the lawlessness that had taken over their streets, and the disappearance of middle America prosperity. Simply put, they wanted to kick Washington D.C.'s ass. To " seal the deal ", he employed a group of young savvy people, that understood how to use the social media, and the internet, to track down the potential voters. The result was devastating on election night, blowing up the traditional Democrat strongholds. Donald Trump and his staff simply ran a smarter, more energetic campaign. Donald Trump was tireless, he seemed to be everywhere, all the time. He dominated the news.

The aftermath.

The liberals were devastated. They could be seen sitting, holding their heads in their hands, sobbing like mourners. They seemed to wander about, disoriented, as if they had just awoken from being knocked out by a hard right punch. ( pun intended ) Then suddenly, as if a light went on in a dark room, they realized they had lost. The result reminds me of when I was a kid, we would use sticks to " stir up " the red ants. We would jab the sticks into the ant hill and then stand back and watch them go absolutely crazy.

They engaged in what they called protests, which were thinly veiled riots, breaking windows, smashing cars, attacking people they suspected to be Trump supporters. Numerous people around the country were attacked and beaten because the were Trump supporters. They shut down public streets, roads, bridges, public transportation. They rioted at colleges and universities, destroying more property.

These aren't protests, these were and are fits, being thrown by people that have never known any type of discipline for bad behavior. They simply didn't get their way, and they are going to make everyone pay for it. These are undisciplined, bad tempered individuals that are " developmentally challenged ". America has always been a place you could vent your grievances in the street, and that's a good thing. It's our first amendment right. However, when you stop protesting, and start hurting other people, and destroying civil and personal property, you are no longer a protester, you are a felon.

Slogans & signs.

As if their actions didn't speak loud enough, the so called protestors carried signs and plaquards, with hate filled messages, and filthy language. What I find so ironic in this whole display, is that while destroying property, hurting other people, they are accusing the Republicans and Donald Trump of hate and bigotry. While watching them engage in this horrendously destructive behavior, I keep asking myself, where's the love?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Volley #1

I have titled my blog "not supposed to be this way" because in my view, for the time that we live in, things are not supposed to be this way. I was born before the middle of the last century, during a time when the entire world was embroiled in a horrific war, that ended with a couple of gigantic explosions that ushered us into a nuclear world. We also entered into a time of hope for the future. Technology was advancing at an incredible pace. Everyone was excited about what the future would bring, thinking we were on the threshold of a marvelous world to come, where life would be utopian. That we could at last, live peacefully with our world neighbors.

Bad people around the world were plotting to take over the world in the 1930's and '40's. The Allies rallied to the cry of freedom. When the smoke had cleared and treaties were signed over 60 million lives had been lost. About 3% of the world population at the time. 416,000 American armed service members laid down their lives for freedom around the world. Freeing people from oppression in lands they knew very little or nothing about.

Oh yeah, those big nuclear blasts I spoke of earlier, well Russia now had those big bad weapons. The dreams of utopia were not as bright now. We were learning how to survive a nuclear holocaust. We had bomb shelters everywhere, air raid drills in schools. Then there was the nuclear showdown between the USA and Russia over Cuba. We were involved in war again, but it was "cold war". We learned about new things, things the world had never seen, like "nuclear winter".

All of this new drama is happening just a few short years after the horrific destruction and bloodshed caused by conventional weaponry. When you stop and truly analyze this, you just have to ask yourself why the human race is so self destructive. It seems we can't wait to get into the next conflict. Human beings have been on this planet for a very long time. We see archeological evidence of how life was thousands of years ago. The human race has advanced to unbelievable levels of technology. In my lifetime alone, I have witnessed incredible advances. But it seems that no matter how many marvelous things we create, or how much knowledge we amass, we are basically the same angry, destructive beings that inhabited this earth thousands of years ago. They killed each other with clubs and stones. We kill each other with amazing skills and weapons. We don't even have to look the opponent in the eyes before we kill them.

So my point is quite simple. Why is it, that we can create a marvelous world for ourselves, filled with incredible amenities, but we can't stop fighting. It seems that we can kill everything but hate. It's just not supposed to be this way.