Wednesday, April 26, 2017

There have always been sharp differences between political parties, and there should be. They keep each other in check. I can't imagine what it would be like to only have one political party. Oh wait, I don't have to imagine, all I have to do is watch what goes on in Russia, China, North Korea, and elsewhere. The list is actually longer than I care to create.
If you grew up in these countries, you probably don't spend much time thinking about it, it's your "normal". I didn't grow up like that, I know the difference, and I ain't interested in living like that. That's why I have a tattoo on my left shoulder of Old Glory, and the inscription " Live free or Die". If you give up your freedom, thinking it will make you safer, that certifies that you have a serious deficit in your ability to reason.
If you have been keeping up with the adventures of President Donald J. Trump, you will notice that he is definitely swimming upstream. Or more appropriately, swimming in the swamp, and that sucker is chocked full of big ass alligators. I'm not sure Mr. Trump realized just how large the swamp was, and how many big ass alligators were in it. That being said, you gotta give the man credit. He puts on this steel waders everyday and battles the 'gators like Thor. When I mentioned the 'gators, you probably assumed I was talking about Democrats. Well I am, but there are a lot of scaly Republicans in the swamp as well. I think Paul Ryan is a bit scaly. I can only imagine the talk that goes on the back rooms among the government elites on both sides of the aisle. Espousing their dislike for an outsider like Donald Trump that thinks he can upset their cushy way of life, and/or perhaps unveil their deceitful activities.
Thirty or more years ago, Rush Limbaugh used to talk about the piglets at the trough, referring to all of the people slurping up the money from government programs, and how it was getting out of control. I fully understood what he was talking about, but today, the impact of that has never been more vivid. The old established politicians don't want change, they just want to live in the swamp with all of the other swamp rats, and suck up the money and power that comes with it. They don't want tax cuts, the broader that stream of money is, coming into Washington, the better they like it. They love spending your money, it's how they stay in power. Your tax burden will continue to grow.
Real conservatism is pretty much like Camelot. It may have existed at one time, but now, it's really nothing more than a fable. People still talk about it, and lament on how it would make our country a better place to live, but far too many people are at the public trough, and they don't want to give it up. They are ready and willing to trade their freedom for free stuff. The government is slowly but surely replacing the community churches. The liberals have done a fabulous job of bringing all of this about, poisoning the minds of our youth.  President Donald J. Trump, may very well, be the conservative movement's last warrior.